• Can anyone help with a search command or other method to create a list of all the pericope headings in all or parts of a given translation such as the NIV, that just shows the header text and the bk chap:vs that it precedes? I want to export the list to Excel.
    1. I am UPLOADING the (corrected) massive spreadsheet with all the cut-pasted pericope breakpoints for the entire Bible, for each of ten translations. Maybe someone else will find it useful somehow. (previous upload had duplications in a couple of books ... also, this one adds an initial tab with all the "Max#" lists strung together ... 3402 total Pericopes.
    2. Thanks Shawn! The Reading list approach is a little vague - does it provide a copy-able export format showing only the headings and locations, without text? Interesting that there is a limit of 1500 … the SS I just uploaded has about 3500.
  • Good morning, Is there a way that I can search my entire library and find every time a person is mentioned in a book and not just the subject of a book. For example, if I do a search of my library for Francis of Assisi I get a total of 23 books in which he seems to be the main subject. Yet, in reviewing a book's table of contents I found him mentioned twice in a book on preaching. That particular book on preaching was not among the 23 from a search on Francis of Assisi. I would like to know if he is mentioned in any other of my books. I might be looking for too much but curious if it could be done. Thanks, Kevin
    1. Where you start your search is very important. I have attached an image showing how to do a precise search of all of your books.
    2. Thank you Lee. That definitely helps and may be what I was looking for...
    3. It may depend on which version of Logos you have, but in Rev. Kevin Obermeyer's example above, the "search for" link in my copy of Logos (Pro) was under "Dig Deeper". If that's not expanded, you won't see it right off.
  • I'm looking at the new Camp Logos. I have a question. I would be taking the online class, but not sure of my schedule that week. Will have have access to the online replays in case I have to miss some sessions?
    1. I am looking forward to this. I am Arizona time so it will be the crack of dawn!
    2. - not yet, but we've been working on this. Hit some snags, but still at it.
    3. ok, thank you!
  • When I’m in documents in Logos I noticed that I have yours, groups and Public. After highlighting Public how can I access any of the documents?
    1.  — Edited

      For both group and public documents, you can select one, and then you should see the option "Add to your docs". Select this and they are copied to your own documents where you can also modify them. It is not possible (as far as I am aware) to sync them. If the group document is updated it is not possible for that to automatically update your own copy. That is my issue with the very useful documents that MP Seminars have added (such as Commentary: Non Versified). If these are updated with later books that do not match the original selection criteria, they are not automatically included in your own copy of the document. Hope this helps.
    2. Thanks!
  • Hello, can I get an invitation to join the MP Seminars online group? I just joined yesterday. The annual price was amazing!
  • I read that I can get a free copy of Grant Osbourne's Ephesians commentary by following this group. How do I receive the book?
    1. Any Answers?
    2. If the cost says $0 you can. We can get free books every month. If you have not signed up for the emails you are missing out on the "free books."
    3. How do I sign up for the emails and get this?
  • I signed up for MP Seminars in August but still have not receved an invitation to join the MP Seminars Online group where and can accesses shared docs. I tried following instructions in the Camp Logos 2 for Logos 10 "Access Shared Docs" lesson to request an invitation using the Help > Messages in Faithlife website, but there is no access to messages/chat features. What is my next step?
    1. We just sent you an invite. Check the "bell" icon in the upper right of this screen for a notification--this should show you the invite and allow you to join.
  • When does the early-bird pricing end for the Camp Logos in December?
    1. Thanks. The question I was asking was when the early bird pricing ends and the price goes up. I'm considering registering but want to know how long I have to think about it.
    2. … that link to the December event doesn’t have any pricing options for the online attendance. Will you be offering early-bird half-off for that? 🙏
  • Hi, does each resource have both a scroll setting as well as a page-turn setting? And how does one adjust the speed of scrolling (this one book I have moves way too fast and I need to slow it down). And my bible can only be scrolled (is there a way to page up-down?)
    1. You can use the spacebar to page down. You may need to click on the white space in the Bible or book to be sure it's active then use space. Use shift+space to page up. Scrolling is best with a trackpad or wheel mouse where you can control the speed. The slider bar on the right side will be more difficult to control based on the length of the book.
    2. This is where a touch screen is nice. I prefer a Kindle fire to a kindle e-reader just because on the tablet I can drag the book up and down instead of page turn. Same with Logos books on my wife's (old) ipad.
    3. Thanks, Bruce and MP. @Bruce, yes, I liek the touch screen option and use it if the screen is on the right side (I keep my navigation page on the left, so one would have to reach further in to drag and I have to use the trackpad or other means to navigate). @MP, scrolling with trackpad is terrible with certain books -- scrolls way, way too fast -- and can cause me to lose my place if I did not notice where I was (I will use the page forward/back arrows, or click on scrollbar above or below the indicator). Yet, for my accompanying bible, the scroll speed works perfectly. Hence, it's not a Windows setting, but rather a Logos or individual resource setting. But, where does one access it? On another note, is there a way to: 1) Sync "last page read" between devices? Mine does not do it automatically. 2) Auto Update Layout: Similar to the above, regarding the last page read -- how can one save the setting automatically on documents close-out -- so that one does not have to remember to update the layout? 3) Mobile Access: Because "layouts" are not available on mobile, how to sync so the page brought up on the phone is the last page viewed on the computer?
  • Question…from my logos app on my iPhone, i copy and paste a scripture passage to text but when I paste the verse numbers are removed. Is there a setting to change that will keep or remove verse number references? Thanks 📖🙏🏼💙
    1. Yes, James, there is. When you highlight the text you'll see a selection box at the bottom headed Copy. You may have inadvertently selected text only. Deselect that option and your problem should be solved. I hope this helps. Peace.