Grace Alive Church
Send Me Retreat - Session 2
  • Transitional Questions:
    Ask : Has anything like this ever happened to you?
    Ask: Can I share with you the Good News that changed my life?
    Ask: Can I share something with You that has really helped me?

    D- Present the Gospel Message (3 Circles)[i]

    Draw a Circle and label it “God’s Design.”
    · Take out a pen, grab Paper/napkin, draw a circle, and write "God's design" on it.
    Christian: I believe God has a design for our lives. We see God's design all around us (Genesis 1:31): in the beauty of creation-a golden sunrise or a pink sunset and in our own amazing bodies. The Bible says God knit us together in our mothers' wombs (Psalm 139). Knitting is delicate and intimate work, so we know that God personally designed us and has a purpose for our lives.
    Now, I have to tell you that, although I knew of God's wonderful design early in life, I didn't always accept it or appreciate it. Honestly, I rebelled against it. I didn't want to be under anyone's design or rule. I wanted to go my own way, be my own boss, make my own decisions, and do things the way I wanted them done. I basically decided to depart from God's design.
    · Draw an arrow leading away from God's design.
    Christian: The Bible has a word for this departure from God's design-the word is "sin." The Bible actually says that all have sinned and departed from God's design. (Romans 3:23)
    · Write the word "sin" next to the line.
    · Then draw another circle and writes the word "brokenness" in it and draw some squiggly lines leading away from it.
    Christian: Unfortunately, our sin takes us all to a place of brokenness. Brokenness could look like struggling relationships, addiction, isolation, or despair. It's when we realize we've been used, or -hat we've used someone else. In fact, our whole world is broken. We see evidence of this everywhere-in every crime, in sickness, and even in death. These all are results of sin. We live in a broken world, and no one in this world is untouched stay in it. If it's broken, we want to fix it. There are entire industries built around getting people out of brokenness. There are counselling centers, self-help books, afternoon TV shows,, and many more. We do our best to fix our brokenness.
    Some people try to numb their pain with drugs or alcohol. Others think the cure is another relationship. Some try to ramp up their personal discipline and dedication. Knowing they got themselves into brokenness, they think they can get themselves out. Some even urn to church or religion. We realize that something needs to change. But often, when we try to change ourselves, we realize that the change we need has to come from somewhere else. Our attempts to fix our brokenness usually only result in more brokenness.
    · Draw the third circle and write the word "gospel" in it.
    Christian: The word gospel means "good news." The good news is that God sent His Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life , die the death we deserve because of our sin, and be raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:2-4)
    The Bible says that when Jesus died on the cross, God did a miracle. He took all of our sin and put it on Jesus, and then He took all of Jesus' righteousness and put it on anyone who believes in Jesus. This means that we are no longer broken in God's eyes. We are made right with Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21) All we have to do to get this right standing with God is repent and believe in Jesus.
    · Draw a second arrow away from brokenness pointing toward the gospel circle and write "repent and believe.”
    Christian: The change we really need comes through the gospel. The word repent means a change of mind that's followed by a change in direction. It means we were headed one way, trying to fix our own brokenness, and now we have turned from that and turned to Jesus. "Believe" means that we trust that Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection are what make us right with (God. We believe it as much as we believe that the chairs we sit in are going to hold us up. Jesus Himself told people to "repent and believe in the good news!"-the gospel (Mark 1:15)
    · Draw the last arrow from gospel back toward God's design and write the words "recover and pursue.
    Once we repent and believe, we can begin to recover loves a do-over. If we don't get it right the first time, we get to try again. God gives unlimited do-overs. None of us is perfect. Even if we have believed in Jesus and been made whole in God's eyes, we will still mess up. Repenting and believing doesn't fix everything, but it does forgive everything. Plus, we have Jesus helping US and walking with us. He changes our hearts and motivates us to recover and pursue God's design.
    · Show the finished diagram to other person.
    Note: The 3 Circles is simply a tool. We love and are to remember that this is God's work, and He's doing it. He is the one reconciling the world to Himself, and He Just uses us as His mouthpieces.
    It's your "napkin." Each person can customize the 3 Circles to his or her own style. You can use more verses or less. You can use different verses. You can explain God's design in a different way. This is an open-source tool-make it your own.
    The 3 Circles Presentation is also available for download for use on Apple and Android mobile devices. You can find them in the Apple “App Store” and on the Google Play Store as the “Life on Mission” App.

    E- Other Ways to Share the Good News

    1- Situations in which you don’t have time or the setting for using “3 Circles.”
    · Phone witnessing.
    · Hospital witnessing
    2- Methods and Resources

    · The Roman Road

    o Romans 3:23
    Romans 3:23 (NLT)
    23 For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.
    o Romans 6:23
    Romans 6:23 (NLT)
    23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
    o Romans 5:8
    Romans 5:8 (NLT)
    8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
    o Romans 10:9-13
    Romans 10:9–13 (NLT)
    9 If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
    10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.
    11 As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.”
    12 Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him.
    13 For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

    · Using a tract

    a. Eternal Life Tract

    · Using Counseling Guide

    [i] (Scroggins and Wright 2016). Pp. 73-116.