Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, USA
May 8, 2022

Oakhurst Presbyterian Church USA

May 8, 2022 Worship

Order of Worship

Prelude                   Rev. Dr. Lisa Allen-McLaurin


Welcome and Announcements                  Rev. Heather Chase     

Frig 99 - Brady Bennett, Outreach Session Liaison

Call to Worship                    Rev. Kathy Dawson  

Though the way seems long and the road rough

Yet will we trust the One who leads us.

Though the direction is unknown and we don’t know the outcome

Yet will we place our lives in Christ’s loving care.

It is Christ who brings us out to green pastures and restores our souls.

It is Christ who gives us hope and peace. Praise be to Christ our Lord. AMEN.   

From Ministry Matters, 4th Sunday of Easter Year A                



Opening Hymn   Faith of Our Mothers   

1. Faith of our mothers, living still

In cradle song and bedtime prayer;

In nursery lore and fireside love,

Thy presence still pervades the air.

Faith of our mothers, living faith,

We will be true to thee till death.

2. Faith of our mothers, loving faith,

Fount of our childhood's trust and grace,

Oh, may thy consecration prove

Source of a finer, nobler race;

Faith of our mothers, loving faith,

We will be true to thee till death.

3. Faith of our mothers, guiding faith,

For youthful longing, youthful doubt,

How blurred our vision, blind our way,

Thy providential care without.

Faith of our mothers, guiding faith,

We will be true to thee till death.

4. Faith of our mothers, Christian faith,

In truth beyond our stumbling creeds,

Still serve the home and save the Church,

And breathe thy spirit through our deeds;

Faith of our mothers, Christian faith,

We will be true to thee till death



Prayer of Confession & Pardon Rev. Heather Chase

Holy God, Creator of all that is, Donor of Grace, and Giver of Life:

Hear our prayer.

There are chasms in our lives, deep valleys that separate us

From one another and from You.

We confess that we have allowed those rifts to grow,

For fear of admitting our part in the separation,

For fear of being rejected when we reach out.

You call us to a reconciled life, to healed relationships,

To a wholeness with each other and with You.

Mend us, we pray, and make us new creations

Through the power and love of Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.

by Rev. Beth Merrill Neel               

Passing of the Peace                                             


Prayer of Illumination                                                                                     Rev. Kathy Dawson


Old Testament Reading:         Psalm 23

Anthem               Safe in His Arms                        

New Testament Reading:                     John 10:22-30 Rev. Heather Chase

Sermon:                    My Sheep Follow Me



Prayers of the People         Text Your Prayer Requests to: 404-551-3791           

The Lord’s Prayer  

Tithes and Offerings                  

You may give online at oakhurstpcusa.org/give ~ PayPal oakhurstpcusa@gmail.com ~ CashApp $oakhurstpcusa ~ Mail 118 2nd Ave. Decatur, GA 30030.


Song of Praise                                  Just Wanna Praise You            


Doxology - Prayer of Thanksgiving

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Christ all people here below

Praise Holy Spirit ever more

Praise Triune God, whom we adore


Final Blessing

Sending Song                     Sweet, Sweet Spirit    

There's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place,

And I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord;

There are sweet expressions on each face,

And I know they feel the presence of the Lord.

Worship Leaders today include:  

Rev. Heather Chase, Associate Pastor; 

Rev. Dr. Lisa Allen-McLaurin, Musician; Rev. Kathy Dawson, Liturgist

          Call to Worship #4 from Ministry Matters, 4th Sunday of Easter Year A  

          Prayer of Confession by Rev. Beth Merrill Neel