Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, USA
May 22, 2022

Oakhurst Presbyterian Church USA

Asian American Pacific Islanders Heritage Month

May 22, 2022 Worship

Order of Worship

Prelude                 Rev. Dr. Lisa Allen-McLaurin


Welcome and Announcements                        Rev. Heather Chase                                                      


Call to Worship (words from Hymn 387 - Let us Come to Worship God, I-to Loh)

Let us come to worship God, bless the holy name.

Enter God’s house with thanks and reverence for the Lord is good.

God’s love endures forever.  Let us sing and praise the Lord.

Make a joyful noise, sing to the Rock of our Salvation. 

The Lord is full of grace and love for all.  Praise the Lord.                                                                  


Opening Hymn                       We Come to You for Healing, Lord  #796 Stuempfle




Prayer of Confession           Rev. Heather Chase

Gracious God,

we confess that we have failed our Asian American and Pacific Islander siblings.

We have bought into the “model minority” and “honorary white” myth

while treating our siblings as perpetual foreigners.

We fail to learn about the many different peoples, cultures, and nations

you have created and you love.

We fail to seek out and tell the stories of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

in our schools, colleges, seminaries, and churches.

Forgive us, God.

Forgive our neglect and indifference.

Forgive our stereotyping, prejudice, and racism.

Forgive us for making our Asian American and Pacific Islander siblings invisible.

Inspire us to turn around,

to build connections,

to stop “othering” our siblings,

to embrace one another in love,

and to make your beloved Asian American and Pacific Islander children visible.

We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer of Pardon - Embodied Prayer of Healing Rev. Heather Chase

At a protest against anti-Asian racism, Black and Asian ministers shared stories of embodied hurt and a form of an embodied movement as non-verbal gestures of healing and blessing. In solidarity with our Asian American and Pacific Islander siblings in Christ, I invite you to join me in this embodied blessing and healing. 

Take a deep breath. Exhale. 

Place hands on heart. 



Look around.

Cup hands to ears. 

Fold arms across chest. 

Open hands, palm up, with a breath. 

Touch your heart with one hand and extend the other hand to another person. 




Prayer of Illumination                                     Rev. Amantha Barbee           


Old Testament Reading:      Psalm 67  Rev. Amantha Barbee

May God Bless You and Keep You

Anthem           Revelation 19:1               LaValley           

New Testament Reading:                         John 5:1-9                         Alfred Appiah

Sermon:                        Why are you here?         Alfred Appiah



Prayers of the People         Text Your Prayer Requests to: 404-551-3791       Rev. Heather Chase           

The Lord’s Prayer  

Tithes and Offerings                  

You may give online at oakhurstpcusa.org/give ~ PayPal oakhurstpcusa@gmail.com ~ CashApp $oakhurstpcusa ~ Mail 118 2nd Ave. Decatur, GA 30030.


Song of Praise         Hallelujah, You’re Worthy to Be Praised                                     


Doxology - Prayer of Thanksgiving

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise Christ all people here below

Praise Holy Spirit ever more

Praise Triune God, whom we adore


Final Blessing

Sending Song                     Sweet, Sweet Spirit    

There's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place,

And I know that it's the Spirit of the Lord;

There are sweet expressions on each face,

And I know they feel the presence of the Lord.

Worship Leaders today include:  Alfred Appiah, Preacher; 

Rev. Amantha Barbee, Senior Pastor; Rev. Heather Chase, Associate Pastor; 

Rev. Dr. Lisa Allen McLaurin, Musician 


Oakhurst Presbyterian Church (USA)

 118 Second Ave, Decatur, GA 30030


Prayer of Confession by THE REV. DR. GRACE JI-SUN KIM

Embodied Blessing created by the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity for an anti-Asian violence protest in Oakland, Calif. on February 13-14, 2021. Asian and black leaders and the entire community gathered embodied this blessing for healing.