Nashville Baptist Church (NC)
Sunday, August 2, 2020 - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Children's Bulletins Available

Children's Bulletins are available so that your child may participate in the service. To access our children's bulletin based on today's sermon, please choose from the following:

Ages 3-6: Please click here

Ages 7-12: Please click here


Greeting: Pam Bass


BOLT Virtual VBS

Registration is still open!

Nashville Baptist Church is excited to be hosting a virtual vacation bible school called, "Backyard BOLT Toward Faith in Jesus."

Since you can’t bring your kids to VBS, we’re bringing VBS to your house!

This online program is packed with Bible story videos, crafts, and even off-line games for your whole family to play!

To gain access to this fun, action-packed resource - register online by clicking here.

Altar Flowers: by Pam Bass

The flowers are placed in the sanctuary to the glory of God and in loving memory of my parents, Rachel and Paul Stokes, my sister, Crystal Smith, and my Uncle Luther. 

Chiming of the Trinity:

(Worship begins with the Chiming of the Trinity followed by the Voluntary. Please use this time to enjoy the sacred music and to prepare your heart and mind for an encounter with God.)

Voluntary: Colby Griffin

To God be the Glory

Arr. by Mary McDonald

Call to Worship: Rev., J. Kenneth Byrd

We come to this place with different needs:

  some of us wrestling with issues

  that threaten to overwhelm us;

  some of us crying out for healing,

  for relevance, for refuge;

  some of us hungering

  for what God alone can provide.

  In this time and in this place,

  God is here and meets us face to face.

Hymn of Praise:

(7) Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee


A Time with Children: Rev. Byrd

Psalter Reading: Cheryl Rice

Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21 (ESV)

Psalm 145:8-9ESV

Psalm 145:14-21ESV

An Invocation & the Lord's Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come. They will be done,

On Earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power,

and the glory, forever. Amen.

Offertory: Kenley Byrd

Prayer of Dedication:

A Doxology:

Old 100th

Gospel Reading: Rev. Byrd

Matthew 14:13-21 (ESV)

Matthew 14:13-21ESV

Call to Prayer:

To those who are hungry, Jesus says:

  “Come and eat!  There’s more than enough for all!”

  To those who are thirsty, he says:

  “Come and drink!  It’s free for all!”

  Stop wasting your resources on food that doesn’t satisfy.

  "Come to Me, and you will find everything you need!”

  Let us come to Christ now in this time of prayer . . .

Time of Silent Prayer:

Pastoral Prayer:

Sharing in God's Word:

Wrestler’s Hip and other Maladies

Emphasis Text: Genesis 32:22-31

Genesis 32:22-31ESV

Hymn of Commitment:

(63) Abide With Me


Commission & Blessing:

As you leave this time of worship

  remember that you do not go alone.

  God is close at hand.

  He hears the cry of all who call on His name.

  He honors those who honor Him,

  listening to their prayers and coming to their aid.

  So go from here with joy and confidence,

  to love and serve God and one another.

Chiming of the Trinity:

Postlude: Clyde Patterson

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Arr. by Albin Whitworth

The Ministry of Worship

Rev., J. Kenneth Byrd, Jr., Pastor

Kenley Byrd, Soloist

Colby Griffin, Pianist

Clyde Patterson, Organist