June 27, 2021
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)

2 Timothy 4:6-8NKJV


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

*Hymn 27 Great is Thy Faithfulness

*Salutation and Invocation

Choir “Just as I Am”

We Confess our Christian Faith

Heidelberg Catechism #69-71

God’s Law

Congregational Prayer

* Hymn 186 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Scripture Reading: Habakkuk 3:17-19

                Text: 2 Timothy 4:7

Sermon “The Good Fight of Faith”


Hymn 552 O Jesus, I Have Promised

    (Tithes & Offerings – collected at the door on your way out)

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper



  • We celebrate the Lord’s Supper during worship today. VISITORS: Please see the insert and put the completed statement of your faith in the offering plate if you would like to join us today. We encourage ALL guests and members to review the basics of the Lord’s Supper, as they are explained on the insert.
  • At our Fellowship Time today, we will honor our high school graduates: Harrison Harbach, Lindsey Pankratz, Christopher Sorensen, and Morgan Stock. Please stay to congratulate them and hear of their plans for the future. May God bless each of them as they serve the Lord in the years ahead.
  • Next week the Young People will host our annual Church picnic at the Newton Firefighter’s Park after service. Please join us. The meat and drinks will be provided, but everyone who is able is asked to bring a side to share.

"The Good Fight of Faith"

2 Timothy 4:7


The Christian is committed to the good fight of faith.

1. The Battle

2. The Endurance

3. The Confidence