July 4, 2021
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)

Acts 16:25-40NKJV


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

*Hymn 87 Holy, Holy, Holy

*Salutation and Invocation

Hymn 623 Christ, By Heav’nly Hosts Adored

We Confess our Christian Faith

Heidelberg Catechism #72-74

Congregational Prayer

* Hymn 710 I Need Thee Every Hour

Scripture Reading: Mark 12:13-17

                Text: Acts 16:25-40

Sermon “Freedom in Christ”


Hymn 454 My Faith Looks Up to Thee

    (Tithes & Offerings – collected at the door on your way out)

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper



  • Our Annual Church Picnic is TODAY. Please join us at the Newton Firefighters Park after worship (meal starts at 12 noon). The Young People are providing the meat and drinks for a suggested donation for their projects. If you are a visitor, please come as our guest. We ask everyone else to bring a dish or dessert to share, if possible. Thanks!
  • Church Camp is THIS WEEK. Please join us whenever you can. Some of the best times are Tuesday night’s opening lesson at 6:30 p.m., Wed-Thu daily lessons at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., Wed. night Worship Time and FAQ, 6:30 p.m., and the Closing Worship Time and Talent Show on Thursday at 6:45 p.m. Hope to see you out at Camp Sinawa!

“Freedom in Christ”

Acts 16:25-40


Paul preaches Freedom in Christ to the Philippian Jailer.

1. Freedom of the Christian Prisoner

2. Freedom for the Prisoner seeking Christ

3. Freedom for Philippi in the Future