Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)
April 5, 2020

Mark 12:6-8NKJV

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

Hymn 226 Rejoice the Lord is King

Salutation and Invocation

We Confess our Christian Faith:

           Heidelberg Catechism #35-36

Congregational Prayer

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7

Text: Mark 12:1-12

Sermon “Palm-Sunday Patience

Prayer of Application

(concluded with the Lord’s Prayer)

Hymn 652 There is No Name so Sweet on Earth

          (Tithes & Offerings -Reminder to send in mail – Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church, 6524 Hwy C, Manitowoc, WI 54220)




Please keep in touch with each other through the week. Don't hesitate to call each other up through the week.

You can use the new Faithlife digital discipleship and sharing tool. If you need help or have questions about it, see the pastor and/or the welcome email.

Palm-Sunday Patience

Mark 12:1-12


The parable of the Wicked Vinedressers teaches us that God’s Patience brings Him the Victory

1. God-centered Patience expects repentance

2. God-centered Patience is scorned by covenant breakers

3. God-centered Patience brings Victory through Judgment

-on the vinedressers

-on the Owner's Son


We praise God for the successful confirmation examination before the Spiritual Council yesterday of Clara Sorensen and Emily Stock. We look forward to the next time we are able to worship in person, when they will be able to take their confirmation membership vows publicly before the congregation.

For the freedom to elect our local, state, and national officials. May God grant us wisdom in the elections this week, in person or by absentee ballot. Let us remember to pray for all our leaders to maintain Biblical definitions and practices of justice and freedom within our land.

For Patience

For all of us across the world, dealing with the disruption of our work, school, recreation, and daily lives. May we USE this time to grow in our discipleship as followers of Jesus, bearing fruit of the Spirit, shining the light of the World to our culture as it sits in darkness.