February 7, 2021
Salem Ebenezer Reformed Church RCUS (Manitowoc, WI)

2 Timothy 2:8-13NKJV


Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

*Hymn 198 Jesus Christ is Risen Today

*Salutation and Invocation

Choir – “Shout to the Lord”

We Confess our Christian Faith

Heidelberg Catechism #16-19

Congregational Prayer

* Hymn 278 Jesus, With Thy Church Abide

Scripture Reading: Numbers 23:16-20

                Text: 2 Timothy 2:8-13

Sermon “As you Suffer, Remember Christ!”


Installation of Officers

Hymn 27 Great is Thy Faithfulness

            (Tithes & Offerings – collected at the door on your way out)




  • Today we witness the installation of Deacon Mark Bruckschen and Elder Steve Stuebbe who were elected at the recent congregational meeting. We also have the privilege to reaffirm our Christian love and support for these brothers as they fulfill their vows to lead this flock in the name of Jesus, our Good Shepherd.
  • PRAY for the family of Ben Bockelman as they grieve the passing of his grandmother, Esther Bockelman. May God bless the family and friends with peace because of the victory over the grave which Jesus has won for all who sleep in Him.
  • GAME NIGHT- The First ever Game Night will be Friday, Feb. 19, at 6:30 pm in the church. Please come and bring a friend as well. Snacks will be provided, and a variety of games for various ages will be available. See Amy Harbach for details.
  • Updated church directories and your yearly financial giving reports can be picked up from the back table.
  • We are hosting the annual meeting of Covenant East Classis on March 1-3. More details will follow, but please keep in prayer our local preparations as well as all the pastors and elders preparing their reports and recommendations.
  • MARK your calendars for April 16-18. We will host a Discipleship Conference that weekend, led by professors from Heidelberg Theological Seminary. This will be a special opportunity to grow in your faith. Friends and guests from other congregations are welcome to join us.

"As you Suffer, Remember Christ!"

2 Timothy 2:8-13


Remember Christ as you endure suffering

1. Christ’s power is not chained (verses 8-9)

2. Christ’s elect benefit from your endurance (verse 10)

3. Christ is the Faithful One (verses 11-13)