Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor Phil Bogen 1008 N 120th Ave. Wausau, WI 54401
February 3rd, 2019 Fourth Sunday in Epiphany

WELCOME TO TRINITY! The glory of God is often revealed when and where it is least expected.  God uses our lips to declare that glory, inexperienced and hesitant though they may be. God uses our love to demonstrate that glory and so urges us to exercise it.  God uses Jesus of Nazareth, water and the word, bread and wine, to reveal God's glory where and when God chooses. Take heed, lest the glory of God slip through our midst unnoticed.  A joyous greeting to one and all!  A special welcome to those who are visiting with us. Please take time to sign our guest book in the entry leaving both an address and a telephone number.

(Worship-Setting# 8 in ELW-page 184-items designated by*)


Prelude Laurie Weideman

Welcome and Announcements

Opening Hymn                       "I Love to Tell the Story" ELW# 661

The Greeting: P:  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.        C: And also with you.


The Kyrie         "Kyrie eleison, on our world ..." p. 184 ELW

Hymn of Praise            "This is the feast of victory ...." p. 187 ELW

Prayer of the Day: P:  Almighty and ever-living God,  C:   increase in us the gifts of faith, hope and love; and that we may obtain what you promise, make us love what you command, through  your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.     Amen.


First Reading                                                                              Jeremiah 1:4-10

Psalm Psalm 71:1-6

Second Reading                                                             1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Gospel Acclamation"Alleluia.  Lord, to whom shall we go?''p.188 ELW

Response after announcement:    Glory to you, 0 Lord.  Luke 4:21-30

Response after the conclusion:  Praise to you, 0 Christ

Children's Sermon

Sermon Pastor Phil Bogen

Hymn of the Day "Lord, Speak to Us, That We May Speak" ELW# 676

Apostles Creed

Prayers of Intercession P: Lord, in your mercy. C: Hear our prayer.



Offering Prayer: P:  God of all creation, C:  all you have made is good, and your love endures forever.  You bring forth bread from the earth and fruit from the vine. Nourish us with these gifts, that we might be for the world signs of your gracious presence in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.                   Amen.

*Great Thanksgiving p. 190 ELW

*Proper Preface "Holy, holy, holy Lord, " p. 190 ELW

*Words of Institution

*Lord's Prayer p. 191 ELW

Invitation to Communion: P: Come to the table. Feast on God's abundant life for you!

Communion Hymns: *"Lamb of God, you take away ....."  p. 191 ELW

"All Who Hunger, Gather Gladly" ELW# 461

"Where Charity and Love Prevail" ELW# 359

Post Communion Blessing: P: The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ strengthen and keep you in his grace. C: Amen


Prayer after Communion: P: We thank you, 0 God,  C:  that you have fed us at your banqueting table with bread and wine beyond compare, the very life of Christ for us. Send your Spirit with us now, that we may set the captive free, use your gifts to build one another  up, and in everything reflect your glory revealed in Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.   Amen.



Closing Hymn "Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises" ELW# 535

Dismissal:   P: Go in peace. Christ is your light.  C: Thanks be to God.

Postlude Laurie Wiedeman


SUNDAY SCHOOL WILL RESUME SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10th: The Education Committee is seeking volunteers for teaching. You can volunteer for even 1 Sunday; any & all help is appreciated! Curriculum and all supplies are provided. Please contact Jodi and Melissa if you are interested or available to help. Thank you!


MEN'S BREAKFAST & BIBLE STUDY EVERY SECOND SATURDAY AT VILLAGE INN Men's breakfast and Bible Study will again be meeting on the second Saturday of the month starting in September. Next men's breakfast and Bible study is scheduled for February 9, 2019, 8:00 am at the Village Inn in Marathon. This is a great time for fellowship and a discussion on the upcoming Sunday gospel. No sign up needed; just show up; friends and neighbors are welcome!

GIVING REPORTS FOR 2018 have been placed in your mailboxes. Also remember, automatic transfer is a way to budget your giving to our church. Presently, there are 8 family units that donate this way. Donations can be withdrawn from your checking account on the 1st and/or 15th of each month. Questions: contact Nancy Buttke, Financial Secretary


DON'T FORGET WORSHIP TIMES ARE SWITCHED LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Worship times for February 24 will be 8:30 a.m. at Trinity and 10:15 a.m. at St. Peter.  This will be the last time that we will switch worship services.  We will go back to our regular schedule of worship at St. Peter at 8:30 am and worship at Trinity  at 10:15 throughout the year.

YOUTH GROUP SLEIGH RIDE TODAY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd FROM 1-3 PM: Join us for some fun at Willow Springs Garden for a Youth Group Sleigh ride (grades 6-12).  We'll meet at Willow Springs (5480 Hillcrest Dr., Wausau) by 1:00 pm.  A horse drawn sleigh will take us around the property of Willow Springs and through the woods. We'll stop for a campfire, hot cocoa or apple cider and s’mores and other snacks in the middle of the woods. Then we'll load the sleigh back up and venture back to where we started. The entire ride is about 1 hour. The cost is $7 per person (the youth group will be paying for the rest).

Bring a friend! Make sure to dress for the weather (snow pants/long underwear, hats, mittens, boots, etc). Feel

free to bring a snack, bars or cookies to share.

JUNIOR HIGH BLAST (GRADES 6-8) MARCH 8-10, 2019: The youth in grades 6-8 are invited to attend a weekend long youth retreat at Pine Lake Camp, Waupaca. It's a weekend filled with fun games, worship, good food and engaging Bible Study and seasonal outdoor and indoor activities. We're trying to get a head count to see who is interested in attending. The events go from 7 pm Friday night to 11 am on Sunday (plus travel time).  The cost is$ 55 per camper. Other costs are covered by the youth group. If interest let Lisa Hieronimus know.

TRINITY WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY MEETS THE FOURTH TUES OF THE MONTH: The Trinity Women's Bible Study will meet Tues., February 26 at l :00 pm in the Trinity basement.  These meetings are filled with Bible Study, food and fellowship.  If you haven't tried this out before, please come and join us.  We use the women's Gather Magazine as our basis for Bible Study.  The next few studies are

entitled "Meetings with Jesus" authored by Rev. Julie Knarr who is a pastor in Belfair,

Washington.  She is an avid sea kayaker and a regular contributor to Gather Magazine.



First Communion classes for fifth graders are scheduled for the month of February. Pastor Phil will email some potential schedules for meeting to all fifth graders and their parents so we can determine what will work best for all those concerned.  Parents are expected to take the class with their fifth graders.  Be on the lookout for an email and

let Pastor Phil know if you don't  hear anything.

7th GRADERS TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY  EVENINGS TO COMPLETE LUKE UNIT: The 7th graders will not meet with mentors through their "Dear Theophilus" Unit.  The Unit will be taught by Pastor Phil at the regular Wednesday night time. Class begins at 6:00 pm and will end at 7:30 pm. This class will run through Wed., Feb.27, 2019

8th GRADERS WILL MEET WITH MENTORS TO COMPLETE FAITH STATE: Eighth graders will meet with their mentors to complete their faith statements.  They will agree upon a time to get together each week.  Faith Statements are due to Pastor Phil by Sun., March 3, 2019.


LOCAL COMMUNITY NEEDS:   Now that the cold weather has finally hit, think of the following possible donations for local Warming Shelter, Women's Community: Long underwear (men's and women's), New underwear, gloves, mittens, gently used winter coats, socks; Chapsticks/lip  balm, Individual Kleenex packets, deodorant, shampoo, hygiene products (men and women), Lysol disinfecting spray.  Put either in the "Local community needs" box under mailboxes for Kai to deliver or deliver directly to Warming Shelter or Women's Community (as appropriate).  Thanks for your kind thoughts and actions to our local community needs during this time of year. Kai Oelke and Sheila Frey


PHONE NUMBER CHANGES & ADDRESS CHANGES FORWARDED TO SECRETARY: Please remember to notify the church secretary if you have a phone number change or an address change.  We want to make sure we are listing and getting information to the correct places.  Please leave the change in the church secretary mailbox or email the change to