Sunday May 10th
Ruth and Naomi


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Ruth 1:1–5ESV


Trust God with everything.

Ruth was willing to leave everything she knew to follow God. Naomi is telling her to stay and there’s nothing for her, but Ruth is following the God of Israel.

Ruth 1:16–17

Luke 9:62

Philippians 3:13–14

Have a heart for others.

Our moms are a great example of this. They give sacrificially to their family time and time again. Ruth not only goes with Naomi, she stays with her, and she provides for her.

Ruth 2:1

Ruth 2:15–16

Trust in the sovereignty of God.

We all have plans but God’s purposes always prevail.

Ruth 3:11–12

2 Chronicles 20:12

Proverbs 19:21


How does fully trusting in God make you feel?

Do you believe that if God does something different than what you are comfortable with it is the best thing for you?

Is it easier to trust God in good times or in bad and why?

How can I show hesed to others?

In the middle of our world today how can hesed draw people to Jesus?

How do our actions reveal our understanding of God’s sovereignty?

What are you going to do to show hesed to your mom today?