Front Royal Presbyterian Church
April 9, 2020
Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service Service of Shadows

Instructions for Taking Communion by Intinction

The word “tenebrae” comes from the Latin meaning “darkness.” The Tenebrae is an ancient Christian service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles to symbolize the events of that week from The Last Supper through Jesus’ burial.

This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus’ death and of hopelessness in the world without God. The service concludes in darkness. 

Tonight’s service will be purposely slow in its’ movement and end in darkness and a tolling of the bell 33 times, once for each year of our Savior’s life. The screen will go black at the end of the service, at this time you are invited to pray, meditate and remember. There will be no benediction.

Prelude                                Ah, Holy Jesus Pepping 🎼

Invitation to Worship

Reading #1    

The Shadow of Accusation   

Reader: Ruth Younk's Granddaughter, Cadence  

Reading: Mark 15:1-15   

Artist: Unknown 

Music: Calvary Spirtual 🎼

Reading #2          

The Lord's Supper    

Reader: Pastor Carrie    

Reading: Mark:14:22-25   

Artist: Gary Smith 

Music: What Wondrous Love is This 🎼

Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed 🎼


Reading #3  

The Shadow of the Agony  

Reader: Jacob Evans   

Reading: Mark 14:32-42  

Artist: Mikhail Shankov

Music: Go to Dark Gethsemane 🎼


Reading #4                                                                                         

The Shadow of Denial  

Reader: David Edwards     

Reading: Mark: 14:66-72   

Artist: Carl Bloch  

Reading #5                                                                                    

The Shadow of Betrayal  

Reader: Ruth Younk  Reading: Mark 14:12-21 

Artist: Gail Meyer 

Music: O Sacred Head Flynn

The Old Rugged Cross 🎼

Reading #6                                                                               

The Shadow of Crucifixion and Humiliation    

Reader: Donna Edwards        

Reading: 15:21-32  

Image: Imago Scripture

Were You There 🎼

Reading #7      

The Shadow of Death    

Reader: Marta Steane   

Reading Mark 15:33-39    


Stripping of Paraments

Tolling of the Bell
