Front Royal Presbyterian Church
May 10, 2020

Prelude        A Thankful Heart        Anne Marie David  🎼


Welcome and announcements 


Passing Peace of Christ             

Below the screen you’ll see a chat block, during the passing of the peace, we invite you to say good morning to one another, share the love of Christ and greet one another in this virtual worship space. 


Call to Worship 🙌                 

We come together as ONE body, in this virtual space to praise and worship you for…


We worship together in this strange community and give thanks for…


We remember our callings to glorify Your name and enjoy You forever! We glorify You today through…


For we profess the Three-in-One, we are called as Your children, let us worship our Living and Awesome God together. 


Prayer of Confession 🙏

Let us pray,

You would have us pray “Give us today our daily bread”, yet Lord too often we come to you already filled with the nourishment of this world instead of the spiritual food you would feed us. 


Forgive us for feeding ourselves on the junk food of idols and trying to fill our lives with needless waste that brings no glory to Your name. 


You have told us that Christ is the cornerstone of our faith and fellowship, and too often we think of that only as the church building and we are reluctant to allow you to build us up in different and new ways. 


Forgive us for rejecting the cornerstone, for turning away from You and forgetting that you are the rock of our salvation.


Remove from us all those attitudes and our stubborn childlike faith that acts as a stumbling block before others.


Tear us down and build us up again Lord, so that as Your Church we might remember that we are Your children.



Assurance of Pardon               Remembering Our Baptism  💦     


Time with Young Believers                                           



We invite you to rejoice with us in ministry by giving of your gifts and talents.

Online giving is available at

You may mail checks to the church or drop them by during office hours.


Scripture    1 Peter 2:2-10    ✝️


Special Music   This We Pray   Jackie Lawall    🎼


Scripture     Ephesians 4:1-13                     Pastor Mark Jordon ✝️


Meditation                         Where is the Church Today?


Affirmation of Faith                     Tracey Ramey’s Testimony


Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer 🙏




Postlude     March in D        Elizabeth Turner    🎼