Front Royal Presbyterian Church (VA)
August 16, 2020
August 16, 2020

Welcome and Announcements πŸ‘‹


Prelude     Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me           Al Roberts πŸŽΌ


Come! Live in the Light πŸŒ…πŸŽΌ

Come! live in the light!

Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!

We are called to be light for the kingdom,

to live in the freedom of the city of God!


Call to Worship πŸ™Œ 

Spirit of life and love,

we gather together in different ways this morning,

from computer screens,

from telephones,

from near and far;

we gather,

reaching out across the wires,

waving from a safe distance,

to come together in community.

From living room to front porch to car seat,

we gather as we are able,

ready to be of service to each other,

to the world,

ready to build the community of hope and of love,

as we face this bright morning. 

We are apart,

but we are together,

offering our love,

our commitment,

our hope,

and our prayers,

in service to one another and this world.

Prayer of Confession πŸ™ 

We have strayed, O God,

from your will and your way.

Like the brothers of Joseph,

we have betrayed family and friends

for our own vainglory;

we have enslaved others

to suit our purposes;

we have lied

to cover our tracks;

we have forgotten our faith

when it is convenient;

we have failed you and each other

so many times.

Heal us, O God. Amen.


Assurance of Pardon                        Remembering Our Baptism πŸ’¦


Gloria Patri πŸŽΌ

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

World without end, Amen. Amen.


Time with Young Believers πŸ§’πŸΌπŸ‘¦πŸ»

Please visit this link to view this morning's children's message with Pastor Carrie & Rita.πŸ™‚

Scripture                                   Romans 11:1-2,29-32 βœοΈ

Anthem    Sacred the Body      Ruth Duck/W. Daniel Landes πŸŽΌ


Scripture                                   Genesis 45:1-15 βœοΈ 

Special Video πŸŽ₯

Slide Show of Joseph Story of Betrayal, Providence and Forgiveness 🎬



Hymn What a Friend We Have in Jesus 🎼




Response to Offering πŸŽΌ

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,

Praise Him all creatures here below,

Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts,

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


Prayer of Dedication πŸ™ 




The Lord Bless and Keep You πŸŽΌ

The Lord bless and keep you,

the Lord make His face to shine on you

and be gracious, gracious.

The Lord bless and keep you,

the Lord lift His countenance on you,

and give peace, give you peace.

Shalom. Shalom.


Postlude       March in D                David Johnson πŸŽΌ