New Day Community Church
October 11
  • God Of Wonders
  • Who You Say I Am
  • 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)
  • Ever Be
  • Revelation Song
  • way maker
      • 1 John 3.16NRSV

  • We have a goal to make our attitude that of Christ Jesus

    There is a little thing in teaching that we call a “Think a loud”. It’s where the teacher describes out loud what they do “in their head” to accomplish something like sounding out a word or doing a math problem.

    5 + 13 = ?

    Describe solving a math problem.
    I want to do that with you today.

    We have a goal to make our attitude that of Christ Jesus.

    Tell people that’s why you go to church to make “your attitude that of Christ Jesus”

    How do you have an attitude like Christ Jesus when you don’t feel like it?

    Might be easy to do when you feel like it.
    Dave loves going out to the “Takin’ It To The Streetz”
    What about when you don’t feel like it.
    Some may tempted to say your in sin, doesn’t the Bible tells us to have joy in all circumstances?
    This joy is realizing that God can and will be with us, that in our darkest hour we will experience God’s grace.
    It doesn’t mean you are going to like it

    Feelings are created by God for our benefit

    Ephesians 4:26 CSB
    26 Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger,
    James 4:9 CSB
    9 Be miserable and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.
    In response to sin.
    Matthew 5:6 CSB
    6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
    John 11:35 CSB
    35 Jesus wept.

    Ask yourself, do you make room for your feelings in your walk with God?

    To walk around the church “I look like I’m smiling” ...
    This is not how church should be
    Matthew 11:28 CSB
    28 “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

    If Jesus is saying HE will give rest, shouldn’t the church be that place where the grieving find rest?

    Yes we must be a people who welcome the weary, the burdened but please consider how you New Day can be this place?
    Those who are weary are often led to cheer up. But one can’t cheer up from death.
    There in a better place, I’d like to be with them.
    Failings of trying to cheer someone up.
    , while I speak about the why.

    You see in the sadness is when we can lose our way

    This is the why New Day must be welcoming to the hurting, Celebrate Recovery brings up that our addictions, our flaws are often rooted in our hurts and pains, either things that happened to us or things we did, they rack us and consistently fly up in our face to remind us of how horrible we truly are.
    And then there’s other sadness that really have nothing to do with us being horrible but make us feel horrible. Abuses of our trust, our bodies, our money, stuff, and friendship. Things that were done to us. At times giving you a fake feeling like you are in control and others knowing your sickeningly out of control. Someone is hurting you.
    And there is still more hurt like me right now in a period of loss because of the loss that comes in this sad world on this side of heaven. The loss of a loved one to death, the loss of health physical, mental health, yesterday was world mental health day, so many hurting without the ability to grasp on to a healthy day, there is a lot of pain that just happens in this world that no one causes.
    And often the more hurt we feel, without understanding what God would have us do, breeds more hurt. The one who was sexually abused, begins seeing sex in all of their relationships unknowingly being drawn to people who are also in a pattern of abuse, this abuse leads to more mental paid which gets dealt with by self-subscribing pain killing alcohol or other drugs, which then cause more physical pain and lead to being around those whose addictions may bring on more abuse and including loss of life to addiction. This is only a stereotype but so common it often fits but
    There is another way.
    The Lord Jesus calls us home to him, He tells us a command we repeat often here at New Day
    Matthew 11:29–30 CSB
    29 Take up my yoke and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
    The my and me is Jesus talking.
    It is a job, It is a calling
    Look to your family around you, around here do they know, what it is?
    but what is the yoke of Christ?
    Matthew 6:33 CSB
    33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
    The pain of what happened in our hearts is very real, but instead of seeking a self-guided happiness, one that leads an addict to other addicts because that;s where they feel normal or those in grief, depression and anxiety to seek out places of no fear only to realize that every space of health includes the unknown and fear
    We seek out the kingdom of God.
    While others seek happiness, or feeling good, normal or back to a certain way, or power, control,
    WE seek the Kingdom of GOd

    Kingdom is not a place, but one of rule.

    A kingdom only exists as far as the rule of the king spreads.
    American independence mean that the King of England didn’t get to rule in America anymore
    Magic Kingdom ends at Harbor Blvd.
    But The Kingdom of God is one of invitation, not of conquest.
    Remember Jesus says “come to me”, that’s an invitation.
    What is in this kingdom
    Rest - do not think that you need to do any more with God to receive his forgiveness but to accept it
    Comfort - Through God and Through his people
    Matthew 5:6 CSB
    6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
    The command to the church
    Romans 12:15 CSB
    15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.
    This is the thing about grief, it is okay to feel, unlike a pill or a surgery, the healing of God comes in the process of the day. The getting together with community, the crying but also the just doing, the hanging out, the working together, the expressing of feeling without needing to come to terms with what it all means right there.

    Can we be a community where people can just feel?

    Matthew 5:6 CSB
    6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
    Hebrews 10:23–25 CSB
    23 Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, 25 not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.
    Someone sent me a simple message this week
    This calling of building up your sister and brother doesn’t mean make them feel better. Just being seeking the kingdom together. It means seeking the kingdom when we are happy. And encouraging each other in the midst of our grief to keep seeking the kingdom in our grief.

    How can you make New Day a healing kind of community?

    How can New Day be a safe place for your pastor to grieve and heal, while we all experience all of our emotions encouraging each other, even those who don’t feel like it.
      • Ephesians 4:26CSB

      • James 4:9CSB

      • Matthew 5:6CSB

      • John 11:35CSB

      • Matthew 11:28CSB

      • Matthew 11:29–30CSB

      • Matthew 6:33CSB

      • Matthew 5:6CSB

      • Romans 12:15CSB

      • Matthew 5:6CSB

      • Hebrews 10:23–25CSB