10:30 a.m.
Welcome & Announcements
Hymns of Praise No. 809
God of Our Fathers
Hymn 805
If My People's Hearts Are Humbled
Pastoral Prayer
Hymn No. 807
My Country, 'Tis of Thee
In Christ, Our Liberty
Special Music - Choir
I'm Free
Missionary Moments
Offertory - Charles Logan
Offertory Music - Marilyn Schum & Linda Clifton
Special Music - Linda Clifton
The Statue of Liberty
Pastor David Pack
Galatians 5
Invitation Hymn No. 343
Amazing Grace
Benediction - Charles Logan
May you all have a blessed and safe July 4th !
Connection Cards: Our Church family wants to welcome you to our service today. Finding the right place to worship God each week can be overwhelming. We’re a group of imperfect, Jesus- loving followers from all sorts of backgrounds and past experiences. Our prayer for you is that you feel welcome no matter where you are in your life. May your time today result in a spiritual renewal and a better understanding of how much God loves you!
Connection Cards: Our Church family wants to welcome you to
our service today. Finding the right place to worship God each
week can be overwhelming. We’re a group of imperfect, Jesus-
loving followers from all sorts of backgrounds and past
experiences. Our prayer for you is that you feel welcome no
matter where you are in your life. May your time today result in a
spiritual renewal and a better understanding of how much God
loves you!
Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child: Please see insert for
items being collected in July.
Quarterly Business/Prayer meeting: Scheduled this month on Wednesday, July 26th at 6:00 pm. This meeting is open to everyone. GVBC Business packets will be available on Sunday, July 23rd in the foyer for pick up and your review before the meeting.
Judy Baker 7/2
Gail White 7/5
Beth Farr 7/6
Larry Daubs 7/6
Marianna Reese 7/6
Doyle Driskill 7/6
Bob McComb 7/8
Memorial Verse for July - Psalm 25:4
Make your ways known to me, Lord; teach me your paths. CSB
Deacon of the Week: Charles Logan
Alternate Deacon: Bob Smith
The men serving on our Deacon Ministry Team are servant ministers who are called to help our pastors meet the needs of the church family.
Sunday July 2 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 3-4)
9:00 am Sunday School
10:30 am Sunday Service – Pastor David Pack
Monday, July 3 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 5-6)
Tuesday, July 4 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 7-8)
Independence Day
Office Closed
Wednesday, July 5 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 9-10)
6:00 pm Prayer Meeting
No Choir Practice month of July
Thursday, July 6 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 11-12)
10:00 am Ladies Bible Study - Resumes
6:00 pm Facebook Devotional with Charles Logan
Friday, July 7 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 13-14)
Saturday, July 8 - (Bible Reading – 1 Samuel 15-16)