Allegan Bible Church

September 8, 2019

Earthly Kings

1 Samuel 8

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Allegan Fair (September 6 - 14) - Wanna share ABC with Allegan? 

Ask Pastor how.

Back to Church Sunday - Next Sunday, Sept. 15th. Invite your friends! Also, please bring a side dish for the lunch following service.

Overwhelmed - Deal with stress like Jesus. Mini series to begin Sunday, Sept. 15th.

Ladies Event - October 26. See Laurie Rinvelt for details.

Fall Carnival - Thursday, Oct. 31st @ 6-9pm. Looking for both trunks and treats to share the sweet message.

New Members - We had 8 people express interest in membership last month.

Weekly Events

Men's Breakfast - Tue. 8am @ Village Inn

Women's Bible Study - Tue. 9am @ ABC

Seed Groups - ABC is happy to announce home groups to launch soon.

Youth Group - Students | 6-12th grade Tue. 2:30-5pm / Sun. 6-8pm

Light Bearers - Kids | Pre-K-5th grade Wed. 6:30-8pm (school year only)

Stay Connected - text JOINABC to 84576. You will receive an automated response with instructions from Flocknote.

Pastor Jon Gruss


412 Sherman St., Allegan, MI 49010