The Alliance Community Church
Blank Presentation
- Song
- Battle Hymn Of The Republic (Battle Hymn)
- Song
- Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:24–32Terrified"It's a ghost"they said in fearThe disciples' initial fear and misunderstanding remind us that faith requires us to go beyond our natural inclinations and to trust God's power and presence even in the face of the unknown and the extraordinary. Therefore, we can learn from this passage to seek courage, trust in Jesus, and not allow fear or doubts to hinder our walk with Him.
Matthew 14:27 NIV But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”Peter climbing out the boat, he started walk on the waterPeter's willingness to step out of the boat teaches us about the importance of boldness and trust in our own journeys of faith. It encourages us to move beyond our comfort zones and embrace the unknown, knowing that with Jesus, all things are possible.Matthew 14:29 NIV “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.He saw the strength wind, he was afraid, beginning to sinkAnd then, finally, a glimmer of hope appeared. His exhausted body broke through the surface, gasping for air as his head emerged from the water. He had overcome the grip of the wind, defying his initial fear and conquering the forces that sought to swallow him whole. With a newfound appreciation for his own resilience, he swam towards the shore. The fear that had once consumed him was replaced by a sense of empowerment. He had stared into the face of adversity and emerged triumphant, knowing that he was capable of overcoming any challenge that lay before him.Matthew 14:30 NIV But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”Jesus said to him,"you of little , why did you doubt?"The man's heart sank as he realized his lack of faith had been the root cause of his fear and subsequent struggle. He had let doubt cloud his mind, causing him to lose sight of the unwavering love and protection that Jesus offered. With a contrite spirit, the man humbly replied, "Lord, forgive me for my lack of faith. I allowed fear to overshadow your power and doubted your ability to rescue me from the storm. But now, I understand that with stronger faith, I can overcome any trial or adversity."Matthew 14:30 NIV But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”PrayingThis passage highlights the importance of faith and trust in Jesus. Just like Peter, we may face challenging situations in life where fear and doubt try to shake our faith. However, when we keep our focus on Jesus and trust in him, even walking on the metaphorical "water" becomes possible. It reminds us to have faith, even in the midst of storms, knowing that Jesus is with us and will rescue us. Matthew 14:27NIV2011
Matthew 14:29NIV2011
Matthew 14:30NIV2011
Matthew 14:30NIV2011
The Alliance Community Church
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