Othello Christian Church
March 15, 2020

Song of Celebration “Blessed Be Your Name”                           

Welcome and Announcements

Processional/Lighting of Candles  “Broken and Beautiful”


Call to Worship

L: Holy God, we dare not raise our eyes

for the cross is too horrible a sight before us.

Yet we see a love that refuses to let go—

P: the love for Christ the women expressed at the foot of the cross, standing in lonely vigil after the men had scattered.

L: Fill our hearts with that same stubborn love—

P: a love that lasts even as our frail hope dies.

L: We do not presume to understand the depth of your love for us—

P: the love that would go to the cross for our sakes.

L: For such gifts of love we thank you.

P: Abide with us as we enter the struggles of this day.

Keep us close to your heart of love.

Opening Prayer

Response  “Amen”  #315

Pastoral Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer #310

Mark 15:33-39nrsv

Message  “God, Where Are You?”  Donald Larson

Hymn  “In Suff’ring Love”  #212

Invitation to the Lord’s Table Elder: Larry Whitehead

Hymn  “I Come with Joy”  #420

Offertory Response “Accept, O God, the Gifts We Bring” #379

Table Prayers

Words of Institution

Partaking of the Bread and Cup

The bread which we break,

Is it not a means of sharing in the body of Christ?

The cup of blessing which we bless,

Is it not a means of sharing in the blood of Christ?

Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body,

For we all partake of the one bread.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lord God, your lavish faithfulness puts us to shame.

You have never given up on us,

even though our history is one of unfaithfulness and discouragement.

You have raised the dead to life in your Son,

and are raising us to new life

each time we set aside ourselves for someone else.

Having broken bread and shared

the Body and Blood—the New Life of Jesus,

we praise you and bless your name for your faithfulness and mercy.

In Jesus’ name we pray forever and ever. Amen.

Closing Hymn “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days” #180

Sending Forth with Blessing