The Impact Church
Impact Revived Live Sunday October 30th, 2022
- 143 Christ Overcomes FearMark 6:45–56People fear many things. Here are seven well-known fears: (1) The past, (2) The future, (3) Mistakes, (4) People, (5) Sickness, (6) Loneliness, and (7) Death.1. THE MASTER’S PRAYER—vv. 45–462. THE MASTER’S POWER—vv. 47–503. THE MASTER’S PRESENCE—vv. 51–524. THE MASTER’S PERSONALITY—vv. 53–56Faith and fear just do not mix! If you have too much fear, it will destroy your faith. If you have much faith, it will destroy your fears. Allow Christ to fill your heart with faith, then all your fears will disappear.
Romans 8:19AMP
- Song
John 4:43–50NLT
Matthew 13:53–58NLT
Mark 6:1–6NLT
Ezekiel 37:1–13NLT
The Impact Church
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