Eusebian Arian Church
Michael the Archangel
      • Daniel 10:13ESV

      • Revelation 12.5-6ESV

      • Mark 16:19ESV

      • John 1:18ESV

      • Daniel 10:21ESV

      • Daniel 12:2ESV

      • 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17ESV

  • Who is Micheal?

    Hello this is Eliseo Rodriguez and this is Arianism today.
    Today we are talking about a subject that has always come up concerning Arianism. Because Arianism believes that the father is God and that Jesus is only the son of God and because the similarities between Arianism and Jehovah's Witness theology is near identical in the Christology. We always become confronted by either Trinitarian's who assume that we have the Jehovah's Witness theology completely that we are exactly the same as they are. Or we have former Jehovah's Witnesses who are not entirely divorced from the theology of the Jehovah's Witnesses. And find our group welcoming because we have our Christology nearly identical. And we are absolutely happy to have former Jehovah's Witnesses among us because they seem to be very knowledgeable on a lot of things and are very helpful. But there always needs to be a distinction because it can be assumed that we believe exactly like the Jehovah's Witnesses that we need to answer some of these questions to clarify. This is not in order to ruffle any feathers among our Jehovah's Witnesses brothers but just to clarify what we really believe.
    The main difference between what Arianism believes and Jehovah's Witnesses is that we don't believe that Jesus is also Michael the Archangel. Now there are other issues that need to be pointed out that their minor considering this point. And so what I'm going to try to do in this video is explained the differences between how Arianism views Jesus and how Arianism views Michael specifically begun to focus on how we view Michael.
    Michael—which means “Who is like God?”
    Michael, which means who is like God first appears in the Bible at Dan 10:13
    Daniel 10:13 NASB95
    “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia.
    So we will begin here examining the first appearance of Michael in the Bible. And what we see is that there is a prince of the kingdom of Persia and if it's your first time hearing this part of the Bible. You might assume that it's talking about an actual human prince of the kingdom of Persia. But it's not talking about a prince of Persia per se but a ruler over the kingdom of Persia in the spiritual realm. And this is talking about a demon sometimes it's known as a territorial demon mother was a demon that is in control of a certain territory. And this is the angel Gabriel attempting to deliver a message from God and being prevented by the territorial demon over the kingdom of Persia. So as Gabriel relates the story Michael the Archangel it says one of the chief princes came to help him. It says because Gabriel had been left there kind of having to fend off these kings of Persia. And this could be thought of as even higher demonic powers.
    The issue here for people who believe that Michael the Archangel is the Messiah. It is because he's called one of the chief princes. And so automatically you think you see the word prince and say he must be a son of a king. And then you deduce who is the king that is his father then you all you have to do is assume that it's talking about God the father and there you have Michael as the son of God. Now that would be a convincing argument if the word prince was only translated as child of the King. But in all honesty the word prince in the Hebrew can be translated as ruler and not necessarily as a child of a king.
    insert pic of word study
    In the Bible the word prince as it is in this verse appears hundred and 30 times. 86 times the sense of the word is of a leader A person who rules or guides or inspires others not necessarily meaning a child of a king. After that it is used 38 times in the sense of a actual child of the King Or a royal family all of which appear in the book of Ezekiel except for one reference in Genesis. And six more times to equal the 130 times it is used in the Bible it's talking about a ruler.
    So it is easy to understand how the way in which the word prince is used for Michael can most likely be in the sense of being a leader and not in the sense of being the son of royalty. Now if we look at the same context we will see that there is another prince mentioned in this scenario. And it is a territorial demon and this territorial demon is being called of Prince also. So we must rationalize and understand that the way in which this demon is being called a prince and the way that Michael is being called a prince cannot be in the sense of being royalty. But is in more of the sense of being leadership a demonic leadership over the territory of Persia and the leadership of or at least one of the leadership of the Angels.
    There is a another important fact that needs to be looked at in this section of Scripture. And that is where it talks about Michael being one of the chief princes. We know that Jesus in Arianism is seen as the only unique child of God born with no siblings.
    John 1:18 NASB95
    No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.
    In this verse we see that even though the book of Luke says that Adam is called the son of God. We know of calls others sons of God we know in Genesis that the Angels are called sons of God. But in John it says that Jesus is the only begotten God and the reason it says it that way is because Jesus is the only one born after God's kind. That although these other things are called children of God sons of God they are not as literally children of God as Jesus is. Because Jesus is born as a God in other words he has the same kind of nature that God has he is made after his father's kind. And so there are several versus the talk about Jesus being in only child. And this is an interesting topic to discuss. But we have to ask ourselves is Adam is called the son of God. And in the first chapter of John it says that Jesus gives us the power to become children of God. It's relating to us that although we are called children of God there is something more that can be done to make us actual children of God. So there has to be two senses of the word one may be because you are created by God through Christ that you are a son of God. But then there is another sense where you are actually made after God's likeness and image and nature and the only way to do that is to be brought in through Christ that only born literal child of God. So Jesus is an only child because God has only formed Jesus directly everything else is formed through Jesus. And so because God's very hand was used to create Jesus he is a literal child of God. All other creations that are made through Jesus by God are still called children but they're not as Jesus is. And so therefore if you want to become part of the biological family of God you have to be taken from the only child of God. Kind of like how Adam was made and God decided he wanted to make more children of the human line he divided from Adam and made another and then they were fruitful and multiplied and became more. In the same way Jesus who is the only literal child of God nothing else is like Jesus in its direct creation from God if you want to be an equal child of God with Jesus you have to be taken from Jesus. So therefore there is no other siblings or equals with Jesus unless they are the church coming through Christ in which case Christ is their head. Just like Adam was the head of Eve because she was taken of Adam before he had authority.
    So when it talks about concerning Michael Being one of the chief princes does not go along with the understanding that we have of who Jesus is. If Michael is one of a group of other chief princes then that in and of itself is lending itself to the fact that Michael is not Christ. Because Christ is an only child the only one directly made by God and therefore is the only directly created being of God and is therefore the child of God. This description of Michael is contrary to that understanding. So biblically these two figures are in conflict. Before Jesus allows the church to become part of his body and to hide in his identity for salvation. Jesus is never spoken of as having equal brothers and sisters. So we must understand the difference between Jesus's identity and everything else. If Michael is one of a number of other equals that he is not Jesus because Jesus has no equals.
    Daniel 10:21 NASB95
    “However, I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth. Yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against these forces except Michael your prince.
    The next verse where we see Michael is in and it is again Gabriel saying that the only one who was standing firmly against those territorial demons was Michael and then it says your prince. Now we've already talked about how the word prince can mean leader influence authority all kinds of things. And so in this sense how I'm reading this is that Gabriel is saying that the only one that helped him against these demonic forces was Michael your authority. But when I say authority I mean the one in charge of protecting Israel and in most simple senses as a guardian angel. So when you read that I think the sense of the word should be in the sense of being a guardian angel being a authority of protection and leadership not over you but leadership over the angels to protect you. And in this case is talking about the nation of Israel. Because if you look at the same way the way the word is being used for the demonic powers we could use it in the same way that these are guardian angels or guardian demons if you will over the territory of Persia. And so their authority in the demonic realm to protect whatever demonic interests are in Persia are being protected by this demonic territorial demon. It's not to say that the demon is the leader of the humans in Persia but that his role is to protect that and influence that area for the devil. And so that's the same sense that we should take it on the other side that Michael is in charge of protecting and influencing in the way of battling the demons in regard to Israel and the interests of God with Israel. So it's not necessarily saying that Michael is the heir apparent to the throne of God and that that's who you should be worshiping and following.
    Daniel 12:1 NASB95
    “Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.
    So the next verse that we see Michael mentioned is . And it actually confirms what we have been deducing from the other two verses that mention Michael. It says the great prince and that would mean the great Guardian Angel of the great authority of the great leader, over the sons of your people he stands guard. And so now we can see in a more explicit sense that Michael is a guard over the sons of the people of Israel. He is the leader of the angelic guard over the people of Israel. And so this is a prophetic utterance concerning Michael and a certain event in time. It says that Michael will arise at a certain time in his role as guard over the people. And then it says and there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time. We've heard many a time how the last tribulation is to be something that has never been experienced by the entire Earth and never will again. So this is speaking about and time of event and Michael is going to play a role in the end time event. And then it says at that time your people everyone who is found in the book of life will be rescued. Now it's not saying necessarily that Michael is the one who is saving them it is also not saying that Michael is the one who is giving the time of distress or any of that. It is saying that Michael is going to arise is going to raise up and at that time there's going to be tribulation and everyone who is found written in the book is going to be saved. It is not actually saying that Michael is the one doing these things it saying that Michael is participating in rising up at a certain point and that these things are going to follow when Michael arises.
    Daniel 12:2 NASB95
    “Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt.
    dan 12
    The next verse speaks of those who sleep in the dust which obviously is a reference to being dead will awake which speaks of being resurrected, some of them to eternal life and some of them to eternal death. So what's happening here is that people who think that when they read this that Michael is being said of as though he is a rising that he is the catalyst and the reason for all of these other things to happen that the resurrection is happening that the reason the people are being saved is because of Michael and the reason the tribulation is happening is because of Michael and that's the way they're reading it as though he is cause causing all of these other things to happen. But the way that I read this is that these are events that are going to happen in this chronological way. First Michael is going to arise that's the first thing that's going to happen. Then there's going to be a time of tribulation like there's never been before. Next the people are going to be saved. After that the dead will awake some to life and some to death. So what I'm seeing is a actual domino falling and then the next domino falling and the next domino falling but it's not that the first domino is the reason for the rest but that it's the first step in a series of events that are planned to happen. So we need to look at the book of revelations to get a clearer picture of when this happens.
    So the next step in our examining of Michael and his chronological event that's being described in Daniel. We go to
    There is so much to discuss about revelations chapter 12 that I can really get into now otherwise it would be an extremely long video. But we have the important parts that we need to look at and focus on is the red Dragon obviously is Satan. The male child is Christ and the Angel Michael is himself.
    So in this verse we see that Jesus is born and then it talks about him being caught up to God and to his throne. That is a ultra-condensed version of Jesus being made flesh living on earth for three years being crucified resurrecting and ascending to the father all in that one verse. And so after Jesus has been crucified and he goes up into heaven and offers his blood as a sacrifice for the sins of the people as in his role as a high priest. Jesus is prophetically said to be told to sit at the right hand of the father until all of his enemies be made his footstool.
    Mark 16:19 NASB95
    So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
    New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update Chapter 16

    19 So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.

    So in regard to the role of Jesus after he goes up into heaven he is told to sit at the right hand of the father until his enemies are made his footstool. So after Jesus goes up into heaven he is sitting at the right hand of the father and the father is in charge of taking care of all of his enemies and making them his footstool. That's what God has asked Jesus to sit back and that God is going to send his angels to take care of the situation. And make the enemies of Christ his footstool.
    So in regard to the role of Jesus after he goes up into heaven he is told to sit at the right hand of the father until his enemies are made his footstool. So after Jesus goes up into heaven he is sitting at the right hand of the father and the father is in charge of taking care of all of his enemies and making them his footstool. That's what God has asked Jesus to sit back and that God is going to send his angels to take care of the situation. And make the enemies of Christ his footstool.
    New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update Psalm 110

    1 The LORD says to my Lord:

    “Sit at My right hand

    Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”

    2 The LORD will stretch forth Your strong scepter from Zion, saying,

    “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.”

    3 Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power;

    In holy array, from the womb of the dawn,

    Your youth are to You as the dew.

    4 The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind,

    “You are a priest forever

    According to the order of Melchizedek.”

    5 The Lord is at Your right hand;

    He will shatter kings in the day of His wrath.

    6 He will judge among the nations,

    He will fill them with corpses,

    He will shatter the chief men over a broad country.

    7 He will drink from the brook by the wayside;

    Therefore He will lift up His head.

    So biblically we know that Jesus is asked by God to sit at his right hand while God sends his forces out to make all of Jesus's enemies his footstool. So chronologically in the book of revelations we see that as soon as Jesus is taken up into heaven and the woman flees to the wilderness. After that when Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father we can see the father instantly dispatching and initiating war in heaven. And so we see that God has sent forth his angels out to fulfill what he has promised to his son who is sitting at his right hand he will do for him. So the very fact that Michael is not sitting at the right hand of the father but is working and waging war shows that he is not Jesus the Messiah because if he were he would be sitting at the right hand of the father and not waging war. So there we see the differences between Christ and Michael in the book of revelations.
    These differences in and of themselves I think should satisfy that it is improbable for Michael to be Christ.
    But there are other verses that need to be looked at because they are assumed to be speaking of Michael and Jesus at the same time.
    1 Thessalonians 4:16–17 NASB95
    For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
    1 thes 4:
    17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.
    There is a another verse before besides this verse that talks about Michael disputing with the devil over the body of Moses and inadvertent references how the angel said the Lord rebuke you and didn't actually yell at him personally. And then there's another verse in Peter where mentions that the Angels don't necessarily personally attack the devil which could be assumed is talking about the same event. But I don't see anything in those verses that could possibly lend itself is proof that Michael is the Christ so therefore were not going to look at those. Although it is interesting to point out that the angel said the Lord rebuke you and when Jesus rebuked the devil he said get behind me Satan. Which was not the same method which is given to the Angels in their rebuke of the devil which is more like the Lord rebuke you are the using the authority of someone else in that rebuking.
    So in first Thessalonians we see what sort of seems to look like the same construction that was in the book of Daniel. And I think the reason that people see that is because they're looking for connections to make Michael Jesus. But when we look closely were actually seeing a really beautiful picture of Michael the Archangel and Jesus working together in this verse and I'll explain how.
    New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. (1995). (). La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
    There is a Jewish ritual of marriage that involves the engagement of the man and the woman by signing the document that officially gets them engaged by an oath. And the tradition goes that the Jewish man goes to his father's house and starts building a home for him and his wife. And the father oversees the construction of the home in which the married couple is going to live and it is not until the father says that the home is ready that the man can go and bring his wife to their new home. This tradition is being played out in the story of Christ. Specifically where Jesus says that he does not know the day or the hour only the father knows not the Angels etc. That is part of the tradition Jesus said he's going to prepare a place for us and that there are many mansions there this is along with the tradition of Jews and Judaism about preparing a home for the wife which we the church are the bride of Christ. So in this Jewish tradition when the father says and traditionally takes about a year when the father says it's time go get your bride. There is a person that goes before the husband and starts yelling the bridegroom cometh. And he does this all the way to the bride's house yelling and forewarning the bride that the bridegroom is coming to take her with him. On the flipside the woman is supposed to always be ready she supposed to have her wedding dress hanging and ready to go. And everyone who is involved must be ready. So when the messenger or Angel is going forth yelling that the bridegroom is coming – an announcement that the bride needs to get her dress on that her bridesmaids need to get their addresses on and be ready for the bridegroom to come get her. If it's that daytime our efforts at night time you need lanterns you need to be prepared. And that's the story of the the wise virgins and the unwise virgins somewhere ready some were not ready when the bridegroom came he took some into the bride's chamber and the ones who weren't ready were left behind. And that Canada speaks to Christianity and the church being ready and prepared to be ready to meet the Lord at any time and be doing and going about the father's business until then. And so when we look at the Scripture and it's talking about that the Lord is coming with a shout with the voice of the archangel. Then you kind of get the full picture of what this means Michael the Archangel is the leading the bride no if it is Michael the Archangel because it doesn't actually say it's Michael. But this Archangel because we know there's more than one is letting the church know that the bridegroom cometh. And that they need to be ready for a encounter with the bridegroom and the long-awaited return. And so when it says with the voice of the archangel, you're not supposed to see the bridegroom yelling that he is coming. But you're supposed to see that someone else is yelling and hopefully preparing the others and the bride that the bridegroom will be here shortly. So given this tradition and how much the story of Christ and all of this issue kind of revolves around the marriage tradition in Jewish circles. The voice of the archangel is not supposed to be the voice of the bridegroom but someone else. So when you see this it's not giving you or it's not supposed to be telling you that Jesus has the voice of the archangel. But that the Archangel is voicing his alert about the Lord showing up.
    After which we see that the dead in Christ rise first and then those who are alive afterwards it is the fulfillment of that long-awaited reuniting with the bride and the bridegroom. But the return to the new constructed home is not to happen for another thousand years but we do know that there is a new heaven and a new earth that God is created through Christ because Jesus said that he's going to prepare a place. And so that home that is being prepared for the church is that bright chamber where we Christ and God the father are going to be the rest of our days forever. And that's kind of the consummation of the story of this wedding. So I can understand why people want to see that Michael is the Archangel and see the probability is high. But when you look at the entire scenario as a whole you realize that it is not actually the case. That there are not enough reasons to infer and actually there are a lot of reasons why not to in infer or suggest that Michael is Christ. And I know this is a bone of contention between Jehovah's Witnesses or former Jehovah's Witnesses and Arianism areas never taught that Jesus was Michael the Archangel. But we as Aryans do understand that Jesus is the messenger of the Lord but we do not think that he is one of the angels or in Angel kind but is a unique child the only one to have been born from God directly and therefore not an angel not of any other kind of species but identical with God species but not connected biologically or substantially to the father and independent person and numerical one on his own and the father being a numerical one on his own and not together them both being a one. So although the similarities between Arianism and Jehovah's Witness or the worldwide Church of God are all these other doctrines I believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel this is where we part ways one of the places there are others but this is the main one. So although we agree with most of the Christology of the Jehovah's Witnesses and in groups like that of one we come to this point of Michael the Archangel and Jesus similarities we do not see them we do not agree with and we do not teach.
      • Daniel 12:1ESV