SLO Adventist Church
10-20-18 Blake
- Lamb Of God
- For The Beauty Of The Earth
Matthew 5.16NIV2011
- Let All Things Now Living
- My Peace
John 18.33-35NRSV
John 18.36NRSV
John 18.37NRSV
1 Samuel 16.17NRSV
Matthew 6.25NRSV
2 Corinthians 10.12NRSV
Matthew 12.36-37NRSV
Ephesians 4.15NRSV
Matthew 5.9NRSV
Matthew 5.44NRSV
Ephesians 4.32NRSV
John 15.11NRSV
Psalms 16.11NRSV
Matthew 5.7NRSV
Jeremiah 29.7NRSV
Matthew 11.29NRSV
John 13.35NRSV
1 Thessalonians 5.17NRSV
John 16.13NRSV
Romans 8.26NRSV
John 16.20NRSV
John 11.35NRSV
Matthew 6.24NRSV
Romans 12.9-10NRSV
Romans 13.7NRSV
John 10.27-29NRSV
1 John 5.13NRSV
Matthew 10.28NRSV
Matthew 10.31NRSV
Matthew 10:28NRSV
Matthew 10:31NRSV
Matthew 14:27NRSV
Matthew 17:7NRSV
Matthew 28:5NRSV
Matthew 28:10NRSV
Mark 5:36NRSV
Mark 6:50NRSV
Luke 1:13NRSV
Luke 1:30NRSV
Luke 1:73NRSV
Luke 2:10NRSV
Luke 8:50NRSV
Luke 12:4NRSV
Luke 12:7NRSV
Luke 12:32NRSV
John 6:20NRSV
John 12:15NRSV
John 14:27NRSV
Acts 18:9NRSV
Acts 27:24NRSV
1 John 4:18NRSV
Revelation 1:17NRSV
- My Peace