Hunt Springs Baptist Church
4/12/2020 HSBC
  • Jesus lives, We Can Face tomorrow

    We can easily lose hope, in times of uncertainty.
    The uncertainty of our situation can rob us of hope.
    Diminished expectations can cause us to doubt God has included us in his plan.
    Troubles and fears can steal our hope of peace.
    The truth of the resurrection provides us with 3 Expectations when we lose hope.
    We can expect God to bring about three actions, when we have lost hope, let doubt defeat our dreams, and

    Expect Jesus to send us a word, when we are uncertain of our situation.

    God keeps his promises.

    Expect Jesus to personal engage us, when we lose hope.

    Jesus desires to deepen our desire to stay close with him.

    Expect Jesus open our minds, to the power of the resurrection.

    Jesus opens our minds so we can Proclaim him name to the nations.
    4 stages we go through when we encounter the fact of the resurrection:
    First, we dismiss the resurrection, as impossible.
    Second, we investigate it for ourselves, but we are still puzzled.
    Third, Jesus personally encounters us and we accept the fact of the resurrection
    Fourth, We begin to understand the power of resurrection, as share the its truth and experience with others.