Fountain of Life Church
The Fall Of Man
  • Romans 3:23 NKJV
    23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,


    God’s purpose—Gen. 1:26. God created man for fellowship. This was the only reason God created man.
    In God’s image., and likeness
    to have dominion over the whole earth - land and sea
    Over everything on the whole earth
    God’s plan—Gen. 1:27. Man was created in the image of God. Man did not evolve from a monkey, He was created by God.
    We are not animals, nor were we to be like them
    We are supposed to be like Jesus - to reflect Him in all creation
    the angels do this
    all the universe does this
    The personality—Gen. 2:7. Man was made a living soul. As a soul, man could have fellowship with God. God is a spirit, therefore we can fellowship with Him (John 5:24).
    God is a Spirit -
    He seeks such to worship Him
    We were given a Spirit from God -
    The provision—Gen. 2:18–25. God didn’t want man to live alone; so He would give him a mate. God approves of marriage. Marriage was ordained by God before the church was established. It was approved by God before we had laws or schools.
    Procreation was not to be some random act, making herds like animals
    God created “family”
    with headship, and responsibility - love and commitment
    When God’s order is kept, it is a beautiful and wonderful thing


    The choice—Gen. 2:17. Man could have anything he wished except one tree. If he ate of this tree, he would die.
    God has given us freedom of choice.
    We all have this same freedom today - to choose for ourselves whether to obey God
    to choose for ourselves life or death - good or evil
    The confusion—Gen. 3:1–6. Here we see Satan’s lie.
    Satan brings doubt and confusion.
    He uses doubt to destroy the faith of many people.
    Make no mistake, even though they were deceived, they were still responsible, and liable for their choice
    In fact, the real sin here was not in eating the fruit, it was in being deceived, that is, in not believing God
    I love science, but I don;t have to understand science to believe that God created the world
    I don’t have to prove anything, in order to believe Him
    In fact, you must choose who you believe - the other side has never proven their case- only doubt and confusion
    The conviction—Gen. 3:7–8. (their eyes were open…)Sin brings shame and conviction.
    God gives man a conscience, and this tells him he is wrong. (Rom. 1)
    Man can harden his conscience and feel no guilt. - But in your heart, you know
    This knowledge is inside of every one of us -
    consider: why do children lie - (they know they are wrong, even before being taught to lie)
    The condemnation—Gen. 3:9–14, 16–19. Sin always brings guilt and judgment.
    Note these judgments upon mankind:
    Genesis 3:16–19 NKJV
    16 To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.” 17 Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life. 18 Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, And you shall eat the herb of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return.”
    pain in childbirth
    curse upon the ground (thorns, thistles, and weeds)
    hard work (Man would have to work hard all his life.)
    death (physical and spiritual death)


    Sin—Rom. 5:12. Because of Adam’s sin, sin passed on to all men. Because of this, all men are born in sin.
    Through one man - sin entered the world - and death through sin
    death has passed onto all me, becasue all have sinned
    Separation—Rom. 6:23. The word death here means “separation from God.”
    The wages of sin is death - that is the result
    separation from God forever (in Hell)
    Sorrow—Prov. 13:15. The way of the transgressor (sinner) is hard.
    Those separated from God cannot have peace, joy, or hope for the future.
    Sickness—All sickness can be traced directly, or indirectly, to sin. Of course, all who are sick are not living in sin.
    every bad thing that has ever happened has happened becasue of sin

    The Gift of God!

    Thank God for Jesus!
    Romans 6:23 NKJV
    23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    This is what we are celebrating at Christmas!
    Although the “wages” of our sin is death - (what we have earned, our just result for what we have done
    There is a gift available to us instead of our wages
    A free gift, we can receive, instead of what we have earned
    Eternal life, through Jesus Christ Our Lord
    this life comes through no other name
    not through any works that we have done
    Thanks Be to God for His unspeakable Gift!
    This gift is for you, today!
    This gift is one we should share, indeed we must share!
      • Romans 3:23NKJV

      • Genesis 3:16–19NKJV

      • Romans 6:23NKJV