Iglesia Bautista Amistad en Cristo
miercoles, 4 de septiembre
      • Deuteronomy 13–19ESV

      • Deuteronomy 20–30ESV

  • 1 Kings 7:13–14 (RVG)
    13 Y envió el rey Salomón, e hizo venir de Tiro a Hiram, 14 hijo de una viuda de la tribu de Neftalí, y su padre era de Tiro, y trabajaba en bronce, lleno de sabiduría y de inteligencia y saber en toda obra de bronce. Éste, pues, vino al rey Salomón, e hizo toda su obra.

    1. A Wise Man

    a. Hiram was said to be a man filled with wisdom and understanding.
    b. We are commanded to get wisdom.
    Proverbios 4:7 RVG
    7 Sabiduría ante todo; adquiere sabiduría; y con toda tu posesión adquiere inteligencia.
    c. The way to gain wisdom is to fear the LORD.
    Proverbios 9:10 RVG
    10 El principio de la sabiduría es el temor de Jehová; y el conocimiento del Santo es la inteligencia.
    i. You must start with a fear of the LORD.
    ii. Second, you must have this knowledge of the holy. That will only come through Bible reading and study.
    d. Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding work together.
    i. Knowledge is what you know.
    ii. Wisdom is what you do with you know.
    iii. Understanding is what does God think about what I do with what I know.

    2. A Working Man

    a. The Bible tells us that he was cunning in his work.
    b. When we set out to learn a new skill or trade, we must put all our effort into it.
    Colosenses 3:22–24 RVG
    22 Siervos, obedeced en todo a vuestros amos según la carne, no sirviendo al ojo, como los que agradan a los hombres, sino con sencillez de corazón, temiendo a Dios. 23 Y todo lo que hagáis, hacedlo de corazón, como para el Señor y no para los hombres; 24 sabiendo que del Señor recibiréis la recompensa de la herencia; porque a Cristo el Señor servís.
    i. The command is given to servants. Do you have a servant’s heart?
    ii. Again the fear of God shows up assuring us of the importance of this step in our Christian walk.
    iii. Whether our earthly bosses reward us or not, God will reward us.
    iv. Ill. I used to work for this welding company, and I worked hard with little to no recognition…
    c. Hiram set out to be the master of his trade (to work all works in brass).
    d. God uses those who are striving towards something. He is not looking for a lazy Christian. He has enough of those.

    3. A Willing Man

    a. Hiram came to king Solomon.
    b. A good prayer to pray to the LORD is to ask Him to send you somewhere to do His will.
    Isaías 6:8 RVG
    8 Después oí la voz del Señor, que decía: ¿A quién enviaré, y quién irá por nosotros? Entonces respondí yo: Heme aquí, envíame a mí.
    i. It is a scary prayer to pray.
    ii. The devil, your flesh, and the world will give you many reasons not to pray it.
    iii. God is looking for that willing heart.
    Chinese proverb: “If you are planning for a year, plant rice. If you are planning for ten years, plant trees. But if you are planning for a hundred years, plant men.”
    i. What lives do you have an impact on?
    ii. You won’t be around forever.
    iii. Someone will needs to step up and allow themselves to be planted.
    1 Timoteo 3:15 RVG
    15 para que si tardo, sepas cómo debes conducirte en la casa de Dios, que es la iglesia del Dios viviente, columna y apoyo de la verdad.
    Conclusion: We can learn a lot from men like Hiram in the Bible about the need for wisdom, a good work ethic, and a willing heart for the tasks at hand. God may not be looking for someone to build Him a temple, but He is looking for someone who meets these criteria.
    Mateo 9:37 RVG
    37 Entonces dijo a sus discípulos: A la verdad la mies es mucha, mas los obreros pocos.
    Q#1: How can we apply the wisdom that we have gained?
    Q#2: How could we improve our service to God?
    Q#3: What are some hindrances to full surrender?