Rock Family Church of Morgantown WV
Truth Be Told 7 - Conflicted Territory
- Theme: – live the Bible – walk the walk.His priorities your prioritiesI know, but…Key Scripture - By their fruits you will know themFor God So Loved the World.
John 3:16–21 NLT 16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. 18 “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. 19 And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. 20 All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. 21 But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”What do you do when pressure comes for you?Elijah anointing divides and UNITEStwofold , double edged sword – Elijah’s spiritual conflict divided the carnal OT church but later, it’s conviction healed the nation – turns hearts, making ready a people prepared for the Lord. (Malachi 4)Conflict – Mt Carmel – how long tarry between two opinions? Serve God or Baal!Conviction –Godly conviction will bring public conflict – for GOOD. It cannot stay silent – even for thoseDefinitionsConviction = certainty, Assurance, confidence· : the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime especially in a court of law· : a strong persuasion or belief· : the state of being convinced· : the act of convincing a person of error or of compelling the admission of a truth· : the state of being convinced of error or compelled to admit the truthHebrews 11:1 ESVNow faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the convictionof things not seen.Convicted· : to find or prove to be guilty· : to convince of error or sinfulnessConflicted - in opposition, incompatible· : experiencing or marked by ambivalence or a conflict especially of emotionsConflicting· being in conflict, collision, or opposition: INCOMPATIBLE· example – conflicting theoriesBY vs UNDER ConvictionStage 1 – IN conflictWe are to be UNDER conviction until we live BY convictionWe are to have strong convictions – in God“Good” Conviction sides with God - conflict opposes GodConviction vs convincedConviction is based on the Bible, being convinced can be based on anythingConflict opposes God’s WillWhy would someone choose to do wrong when they know what is right?· Primary - Self preservation· Secondary- Personal convenience· Systemic - voting is only a symptom of a system - of rebellion.The root cause of conflict is not wanting to do God’s will despite knowing His will.Conflict is often systemic by natureConflict = the symptom of a system· The fruit reveals the root.· “Voting” in life is only a symptom of a much bigger issue.· Conflict = There is a fundamental flaw in the faith of the followerConviction is good but often viewed as badConviction is a GOOD thing - Stay positive - educateConviction is God’s CONCERN. About your DIRECTIONConviction is God’s INVOLVEMENT for your CORRECTION. If God didn’t care, He would stay silent.Conviction UNITES – provides common ground and is consistent. All those with the same conviction will say the same thing believe and do the same thing· WHO - Conviction is God’s knowledgeof your NEED to change – WHO means you· WHAT - Conviction is God’s Graceto get in your face -- if He must - to show you WHAT to change· HOW - Conviction shows God cares by informing you HOW to change· WHEN - The Holy Spirit gives the POWER to change NOW – His ministry convictso Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit. When we ignore the Spirit, we grieve Him by disobeying His voiceo Soil - harden heart when you hear his voice as they did in the rebellionConviction CARESConviction comes from· my love of God - first and foremost· my loyalty to call - second· my care or concern for man.· I love you, but I love God moreConviction is CONSTRUCTIVE· Positive, helpful· Conviction is for, conflict is against· Conviction is FOR life - not anti abortion,· I am for truth, though truth is called hate speech.· I am for liberty even though the Cross is viewed as an offense· Conflict is disguised as love - tolerant, accepting, grace· Conflict labels conviction as decisive, hateful, intolerant - anti prefix or phobic suffix· The traits of God cannot be separated from the conviction of God· Conflict attempts to hijack the good things of God for man’s evil purposes - love is love - don’t judge - tolerate - while opposing those living by true conviction.· Conviction is based on principle, conflict is based on personality· Conviction majors on the majors, conflict majors on the minors· Conviction leads to - Fruit, actions words, history-· Conviction Speaks to the belief system of the believerSleeps wellConviction sleeps well at night because it stood in the dayConflict tosses and turns from remorse of the past and anxiety of the future. - because of the things they have allowed have snowballed into an avalanche.Conviction in the Christian· Conviction is based on love for the unborn, gender integrity, marital celibacy, national sovereignty- protection of borders, religious freedom, love for safety of girls in sports· Tomi Ariyomi’s prophecy - America will arise when they come for your children.· Convicts receive a “sentence” - a Word from God! A sermon in a sentence.Church - every sermon should bring conviction. A sermon that does not bring conviction has not done his job because we all need to change.Conviction brings the awareness of changeThe Holy Spirit convicts of sin - identifies areas of conflict.· Paul’s spirit warred against his flesh. - Romans 7· The conflict of the world is won through the conflict of the soul.· The battle is WON when we are ONE in the SON.Conviction in the KingdomLord’s Prayer - Thy Kingdom come.During the millennium, there is very little conflict because God’s conviction rules through His church, who will be the governing body on earth for 1,000 years.In the new heavens and earth, there will be no conflict because God‘s Word absolutely rules forever.Conviction speeds the Gospel, accelerates Christ’s return.· Thy WILL be done – then Thy Kingdom WILL come!· God’s kingdom will come when His will is done· Conviction is required to do God’s will – this is why the enemy stirs conflict· Conflict between Heaven and Earth hinders the Gospel· Thy will vs MY will· Anytime we put our wills before God’s, it hinders His Kingdom from coming because it delays His will being done.Faith – Conviction comes from faith and the father's fidelity versus religious dogmaUnity – Conviction brings unity and forgiveness - walk in the light - 1 John 1:17Conviction is concrete· Convictions settled, conflict struggles· Conviction settles the issue- done - final verdict has been rendered, gavel falls, pronouncement is made. Recorded on record (altar of salvation)· Only conflict implies a struggle· Conflict appeals the verdict - you don’t understand - I’m different- I’m an exception to the rule. I have extenuating circumstances.· Conviction- case closed· Conflict - endless appeals· Conviction respects the verdict· Conflict - I heard what you said, now listen to what I say.· If conflict doesn’t get its way, it claims injustice.· Conflicted mind is double minded· Conflicted, tongueo sweet and bitter waters.o Blessing and cursing.o Prophesying then gossiping.o Nullification of blessings· Conflicted marriage, hinders prayersConviction is Consistent· Conflict excuses or ignores God’s Word· Conflict leads to compromise· 7 churches - 5 conflicted for various reasons· Jesus rebuked· Conviction calls balls and strikes, even when their kid is at bat.· Conviction keeps the letter of the law, Conflict looks for a loophole· Uses Bible as an excuseConviction stands FOR, not AGAINST· Immigration that’s legal, enforced, equally applied, encumbered and vetted.· Babies of all colors to be born and adoption that’s hassle free and non discriminatory.· Elections that are fair - by legal citizens, documented and verified registered voters, with accurate registration free from all disqualified , including the deceased and those who moved away.· Voting that is in person, hand counted ballots observed and validated by all parties.· Protection of pro life clinics to operate without state pressure to refer clients to life ending facilities.· Protecting the Hyde amendment - Cutting off of tax payer funding of abortion clinics-· The free expression for prayer, counseling and peaceful demonstrations in front of abortion clinics and pride parades without fear of harassment by the state through discriminatory lawfare, and arrest for expressing their constitutional rights.· Education that is free from revisionist history, political bias and all forms of indoctrination.· Education that informs parents of a confused child so they can make the best decision for their family and not deceived and kidnapped by the state· Children to keep their genetically assigned sex organs and free from mutilation by surgery hormone altering drugs until they reach adulthood.· Athletics that are fair and gender faithful. Allowing girls to obtain sports scholarships because they won in their own merit.· Protecting athletes from having their future stolen through forfeiture for refusing to compete against trans athletes in an unfair competition for concern for their safety on the field.· Protecting students in the locker room from showering, dressing, sexual harassment by being exposed to and approached by members of the opposite sex.· Faithful and accurate academics free from any curriculum, including woke, that would detract from a sound education· promotions in school, the workforce and government based on merit, qualifications and performance, vs gender, race or ideology.C-O-N-V-I-C-TConsistency vs hit or missConviction is easy because it is consistent.Voting record - would do it againConflict is difficult for us keep track of its lies and compromise.· every time or sometimes – always or maybe – what is your batting average?Conviction is consistent- fights for life regardless of an election yearA conflicted person is inconsistent.- opportunistic - election year· Example politician votes for then against then he or she is probably conflicted, compromised by extortion, bribes.· One day, therefore, the next day against.· They say therefore something but vote against something once in office.· If it Doesn’t make sense, doesn’t add up. They’re possibly conflicted.Daniel – I will pray no matter what you say and I will not bow and I will not burnObedience – yes or noConvictions take things seriously willing to stick by it -Conviction is preemptive - proactive- chooses to pay the price now versus later because conflictedI have decided to follow JesusNecessary – needed or niceVictory – Sold out vs Sell outConviction, can’t be bought or sold· Sold out or sell out· Conviction is sold out· Conflict is a sell outIntegrity – promise vs compromiseConscience – clean or dirty· Example – Paul kept a clean conscience by telling the truthTrust – worthy or unworthyAn unreliable person is like a broken tooth or a foot out of joint. It won’t work when you need it and causes pain.Both conviction and conflict have consequences, go or badCriteriaConvictedConflictedIntegritypromiseCom-promiseHypocrisywalktalkunconditionalsituationalStandardsabsoluterelativeconsistentinconsistentWhen no one is watching – God serviceWhen the right people are watching – man serviceFear of God (servant)Fear of man – (slave) money – job – popularitySource is GodI know I shouldAnd I willBut… I won’tobeysdisobeysMakes adjustmentsMakes excusesDependability – Can God or man trust you? Would you trust you?dependableundependableobeysdisobeysboldnessconfidencecowardice· I know I was told – but· I know I’m supposed to – butChecklist· Checklist - from acrostic? Check means you agree.· X means conflict of that area on your life.· Represents crossed swords - God’s will vs your actionsAwareness is not conflict· know not what they do· You are trying to help them· Would you watch a loved one go in the wrong direction without intervening?· That’s what the gospel is all about - stepping into the path of lost people with the conviction of God‘s love so they will turn to God.Personal convictionDrs. abortion – cannot violate conscience – or Christian convictionsEducation -I know to answer correctly with what God wants, but I could fail the test- not graduate if I don’t give the answer to teacher wantsGay gene- evolution - non traditional marriage or familyDouble Jeopardy versus recidivism.I cannot be “charged” with conflict of God twice!I have already received my “sentence” of mercy from the Judge of heaven - who has declared me to be in right standing with Him.Boldness - I fear not the Mark of the beast, for I am already marked by God.Sealed by the Holy SpiritThe righteous (or godly convicted) are a bold as a lion! It’s time to roar with conviction!Stop being afraid of the nay sayers.Vs Repeat offendersBeware of constant conflict with God - you will become a repeat offender of God’s Word. Repeat offenders- sear the conscience - conviction becomes harder - end timesAre you a repeat offender?You are a Living epistle - your Testimony reflects your convictionsDoes your “voting record” in life match your conviction or your conflict?Source of Conflict· How does conflict start?· How do we go from everyone getting along to drifting apart?Where does conflict come from?· Within – “warring members” - James· We are to war with the members of our HAND (fingers) – not the members of our CHURCHConflict comes from a crossroadsKey Issues cannot remain neutral -Important Issues are usually binary in nature -· birth, marriage, gender, debt· Baby – alive or not· Marriage – single or not· Gender - Male or female· Debt - in or out2- Conflict demands a side3 - When the issue becomes one- trigger - crossed a line· Abortion was never a major issue until 1973· Traditional Marriage was never an issue until 2015· Gender was never an issue until 2020Everyone chooses a side -· for, against, even choosing not to choose is a passive choice· 40 million Christians non voters can easily hand their nation passively to non Christians for 4 years. what they do NOT do affects you.· 2024 election was decided by tens of thousands of people - 0.3% of 150 million votersMany people do not know they are the source of conflict forgive them for they know not what they doCause - 2 Timothy 3:2 men lovers if self more than GodCause - criticismCause - selfishness - James warring members among youPettiness· Starts - splitting hairs - reformation argument· Strife· DivisionConviction comes from confrontation· Elijah – confronts Israel’s idolatry on Mt. Carmel – how long will you tarry between two opinions? Is God for real or not?· They answered not a wordInternal conflict silences the mouthConflicted comes from conflictConflict always comes from conviction, but conviction should not come to conflict.• Conflict only arises from contrary desires after knowing the truth.• Conviction should never be a struggleConviction is proactive, conviction is reactiveConviction made its decision, Conflict weighs its optionsPersonal gainNot everyone handles conflict well – shoot the messengerI am your friend – I am speeding up your blessing and breaking the log jam of conflict that has been holding you, your family backPaul asked - have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?Conviction is efficient – Conflict robs resourcesResources such as – Time, energy, money.Those under the same conviction, such as a marriage, family or church, are all pulling in the same way.Conflict pulls againstThe voting for gay marriage forces pastors to defend their churches and pulpits from nefarious actors. When they could be presenting the gospel.How to tell a person’s convictionConviction can look you in the eye and tell you whyConversation –· Words - conviction has confession· Conviction can answer the question- why they did what they did – with confidence· Conviction says the same thing regardless of the crowd they’re in.· I’ll say the same thing with their friends and same things with those that disagree versus duplicity.Personality· Conviction is strong, a conflicted person is weak· Conviction would do it again· Conflicted wished it never went there, or said thatAccountability· Conviction comes to the light - public record· Conflict craves confidentialityAssociation· Conviction stands alone if necessary· A Conflicted person needs others, redirects, shifts blame or tries a mob mentality to intimidate or drown out.· Conflicted by association- a conflicted person will often seek refuge from other conflicted people for moral support.Animosity-· Conviction fights for what’s right· Conflict attacks those with conviction - -· Makes them look bad by comparison· Lies exposed stories don’t add up.· tries to muzzle· Compare Harris rally to Trump.· “Trumpers” agree to disagree, Harris beats you. Christ is kingConflict is compartmented· Secret life - compartmented· God is in a Sunday box· Jesus is not Lord on those areas· Matt 7 - best case scenario- if ministers are not exempt neither are you· Conflict of a Divided house - Saul and David· Conflict hinders progress - pulling on two different directions· How can two walk together unless they’ve been in agreement?· At worst, conflict cancels progress· God loves you enough to separate those in conflict with you and His plan - thank Him - He did you a favor· Conviction, when conflicted, leads to compromise.· Are you compromised, and which areas?· Live by firm convictions – in all areas of lifeConflict of Interest – wants it both ways· A conflicted person wants it both ways vs God’s way· wants all the prosperity - benefits· Conflicted judge running for re-election may sway his rulings to stay in power· Politicians vote on special interest money vs public interest- to stay in officeConflict of Emotions· My head says no but my heart says yes (and vice versa)· Vs Conflicting Interests· God’s interest’s vs mineSchedule Conflict· Scheduling Conflict – not now· Church much? Sorry I’m busyConflicting information· God’s Word vs the world’s system· your senses· controversy in history, politics, science, and even religion!Conviction does what IS right for ALL, Conflict does what FEELS right for ME· A dad’s conviction for his family’s happiness puts their needs before his own.Conflicted Territory – wants all the possessionsAREAS of Conflict· What’s yours is mine – what’s God’s is mine· Disregards boundaries – personal and otherwise· National Conflict = Civil WarDemilitarized zone = NONE· Because of the cost of conflict, many try to take the easy way out my opting out· Struggle and drama is why many people choose to remain neutral· Choosing not to choose is not a choice· Ironically, choosing not to choose IS a choice· In or out – saved or lost· 40 million Christian nonvoters – lets the devil winInternal Conflict· Push back – says “wait a minute”Conviction is easy - conflicted complicates· Godly conviction has but one story - God’s!· Conviction is safe - Conflict enables manipulation· Mistakes used against you. - now at risk· Use your words against you. Slander- gossip, criticism· Use your photos and social media against you· What you said in confidence against you· You did it beforeConviction is public, conflict is private· Conviction speaks as if the person is in the room· Conflict is afraid of exposure· Test of conviction - Challenge someone to post their social media on the church wall on Sunday.Inner conflict is to produce outward conviction –· The refiners fire draws away the dross of conflict, the potter’s wheel smoothes out the rough places of conflict.Spiritual Conflict – God’s Word vs My WordsReligious Conflict –Is there any conflict between God’s Word and your actions?Conflicted Pastors Compromise the WordThe hireling Shepherd was conflicted when the wolf cameI know this is a good Word and pastor asked me to click the share button, but what would my friends think? they might unfriend meConflicted Churches Compromise the SpiritA Conflicted church puts the Holy Spirit in the back room.Conviction is not ashamed of the Gospel or the Holy Spirit or His Gifts.o knows the Word that shedding innocent life is an abomination to God but votes for abortion.Conflicted church - begins with a conflicted pastorChurch knew better - but put up with itThe pastor’s lack of conviction OF the church created conflict with the Head of the Church!Conflicted Church tolerate that woman JezebelConflicted in commitment to Church – I know I should go to church, but my kids have activities or visitors have come to town. After all, family is important to God. Conviction would bring the family to Church.Conflicted in confession - FaithI know I should be on faith, but I’m frustrated, disappointed, mad etc.Would you rather be authentically wrong or deceptively right?I don’t want to lieSong - singing I will do anything - but I won’t. I will give everything - but I don’t.Convicted for Hisinterest or conflict of your interestConflicted Bible Characters· Eve – Knew God said not to eat of the tree ok knowledge of good an evil, but she listened to the serpent, looked at its beauty, and wanted its power.· Moses was conflicted when he killed the Egyptian· King Saul– offered sacrifice because people were leaving – even though he knew to wait on Samual the prophet. The conflict led to compromise and crossing the line.· Pontius Pilate – knew Jesus was innocent but yielded to public pressure· Weedy soil– I have bills – I know the Sower sowed His seed in me – but· Unfaithful servant– hid talent for conflict of emotions – fear – you knew I was a hard man· Goats– thought they were sheep – workers of iniquity· Jews – freedom in Christ followed by religious rules? Spiritual conflict was the theme of many of Paul’s letters. Homework – Galatians 4The conflicted Christian· Knows the Word – wants to live like the devil and still make heaven· Live like a sinner yet blessed by the Savior· Leads to hyper grace movement· Gay Christian· Pro-choice Christian· Anti Semantic Christian – disguised as pro PalestineConflict uses Scripture as an excuseThrows God under the busMisquotes, misapplies Word· All things in moderation· God sees my heart· God wants me to be happy· Love is love - God is love, and we’re in love so it’s okay· Gay Christians claim John 3:16· Don’t judge· Sin is sin - Your sin is just as bad as mineSpiritual conflict - Middle EastPolitical Conflict – proper vs popular – battle of agendaMoral standards require moral people - John Adam'sAccording to historical records, John Adams is credited with saying that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.".Explanation: This quote is often attributed to a letter John Adams wrote to the Massachusetts Militia on October 11, 1798, highlighting the Founding Fathers' belief that a strong moral foundation was essential for the proper functioning of the US Constitution.To vote against the Bible is to ignore God’s prophetic warningsTommy Aryaomi, - last chance – King Saul – will make your life hard and God will not hear your prayersPerry Stone – tsunamiVoting against the Bible forces the nation to go in a direction that God does not want– King SaulConflict affects othersyour vote affects me-Politics effect every area- Realize - perspective-I’m standing for you, conviction stands up, even if it does not have a dog in the fight.Conviction may not have kids, but it will help others who do -their school, sports, opportunity and safetyMigrant students disenfranchise resident students by taking their seat, consuming resources without contributing taxes, don’t speak language, slows education downSchool staff - someone - school board - else hired themJust like your teacher affects your childrenYour coach affects your athletes. WVUWould you let them do whatever they want?Or would them accountable? FiredOn a larger scale, our votes affect us all - forward or backwards. Pipelines open or shut. Laws that are written, enforced or repealed.inflation, God’s National blessing vs my personal blessing like Daniel in. Babylon. censorship affects my ability to fulfill My call, cancel, debanked. Energy and fracking affects my family inheritance to receive and pass on. Way beyond price at the pump. Not available in NY millions of mineral dollars by all private and corporate ownership is disenfranchised of their royalty that could’ve been used to pay for their children’s education. Now the children have to take student debt.Seriousness - Kamala said church will decide future for generationsLook at bigger pictureHow to get and stay by convictionsEducation - how do you vote? What facts, history, data can you give at an exit pollReason - Why did you vote- for or against? Policy or pettiness?List optionsDo you want to keep girls free from boys in sportsDo you want a White House press secretary, who is a born again, Christian or open lesbian?President who was prayed for by top Christian leaders or celebrate trans day on Easter morningAppoint Supreme Court justices that interpret the law versus legislate from the bench.Protect our borders or let in criminalsHow did you vote?Are you willing to publicly state who you voted for?Why or why not? If you claim that it is private, remember thatprivate votes become public policy- including mine.If you cannot state your vote, is conflict the reason?Conflict in PoliticsConflicted states - are called “battleground” statesHALF of the church does not vote – 40 million – election results should NEVER be closeHalf of the VOTING church does not vote for godly convictionsHow the church HISTORICALLY votes – A trusted study revealed which Key church groups that back certain political parties.Summary – some church demographics vote the same as unbelievers. nations - control - communism was wars there, now WOKE here, from foreign to domestic. From military to education, from overt to covert. From obvious to sublime, from adults in the battlefield to the school children on a field trip about evolution.From fighting Communism abroad on the battlefield, to indoctrinating communism at home schools. Both are taxpayer funded.Conflicted nation - civil war, attempted assassination· Christian should not get involved in politics· I don't like the other candidate· Conviction holds its nose in the ballot boxBad example = Pilate – knew Jesus was innocent but caved to public riot who threatened to report him for treason.Good example = Paul – if his goal was still to please men, he would not be in the ministryPut the right president in the house and God will deal with him –put the wrong one in and God will deal with youStand by your convictions, and let God deal with the conflict in the office.The conflict lies with the power that be, not between God and meEvery day is election day. Choose this day who you will serveSocial Conflict – battle of groupsConflicted Socially –I know this is a bad. Crowd, but they will - put in a good word for me - will help my career· When in Rome…· Don’t want to stand out· Conflict would rather Get labeled as a funny buddy vs a fuddy duddyConflicted CommunityChristian family celebrates the devil and dead and disembodied souls - HalloweenHOA no solicitation - but not for evangelism?Sexual Conflict – battle of passionsSexually - I know I should wait until marriage, but said she loves me· Conflicted maritally - unequally Yoked - I know he is not saved but I will change him and God will understand. Which brings conflict in the marriage.· King Solomon was conflicted sexually because he knew God told him to worship only God, but his foreign wives let his heart astray to worship idols and lost the kingdom.· Conflict pays a heavy priceFinancial Conflict – battle of bucksMoney-I know I should buy American, but it costs twice as for me, expensive for countrygood for my economy , bad for my country-cheap Chinese puts American factories out of work - from ma and pa to shopping malls to big box stores to Amazon to Temu.Money in marriageI know we don’t have the money, but I want a bass boat.taxesI know to claim all income, but that will put me in the next tax bracketOut of state purchasesWorkspaceI know to hire citizens, but aliens work for cheap.Tithe - I know I should tithe, but inflation is high· I lost the conflict with the Word, now I have no money.Which way do you allow pressure to bend you? Toward or away from God?How far would you go to keep your job? – mortgage, bills, 401k, kidsDrink, company parties, fudge figures, lie, over bill and under report?Bad example = Ship captain – Acts 27 - conflicted captain shipwrecked PaulConflicted Currency - Finances· conviction will continue to sow seed, even if it sees no immediate harvest.· Conflict bends for bills - for security of money.· Conflict will lie to keep a job -· Integrity conflicts with security - mortgage, family, bills· If I rock the boat, I will get voted off the island. - fired.· If I become a whistleblower, there may be retaliationConflicted Currency bucks the blessing!· Don’t jeopardize what God has given you· A messed up “blessing” may be worse than no blessing at all.Unresolved Conflict leads to compromiseConflicted Christians compromise their healthI know I shouldn’t eat this chocolate cake, but it has eggs and flour and milk in itCost of Conflict = Corruption· Conflict leads to com-promise - corruption - scandals· Conflict is often gradual - increases if left unchecked· Never intended to go this way - but here I am· Conflict is fueled by the enemy - “you already did it, don’t be a hypocrite now”Casualties of good relationships· If you’re retaliated for reaching out, realize the problem is not you· Lost friendships – unfriended – cancelled· Polarization has split families, churches, and friendshipsComradery of evil relationshipsConflict creates strange bed fellows.· Former enemies often unite against a common enemy.· The Jews partnered with Rome against Jesus· Muslims partnered with a Christian presidential candidate against the conflict of woke-ism in schoolsConflict comes with consequencesRockers sold their soul for rock ‘n’ roll. God kept me from being one of them.Ministers are warned against the “three G’s” – gold, glory, girls.When you stand before God, may you never have to say that you voluntarily voted of your own free will for the codifying of killing of thousands of babies daily, the endangerment of your girls at school, and that you voted for the mutilation of Children’s bodies and while consenting to keep their gender surgeries knowledge from their parents,You voted for the systematic destruction of the only one of two nations that was created for the spreading of the gospel,and that you voted for turning your back on Israel.All because you were conflicted over and didn’t like a personality.Tomi - America’s last chance and final warning.Elections have consequences.To those conflicted - it is Too late to change the past - the damage has been done.The laws are passed, and many enemies have been welcomed in.Millions of voters on the democrat party were disenfranchised in the primary election because the sitting president they voted for was forced to quit his campaignAll voters are now disenfranchised by allowing illegal aliens into our country and registering them to vote.The only thing you can do now is ask for forgiveness and mercy of the past and repent for the future.To the convicted- be encouraged to continue to stand, even when your heart hurts and your soul is lonely.Jesus Factor – Conflict ResolutionHow do we fix the problem?The sooner we identify the conflict, the sooner we can resolve the conflict.How do we heal the festering sores and open wounds and ripped scabs?Learn the truthEducate – know what you stand for – study history, voting record,Separate – Fact vs feelingevaluate – pray if there is a check in your spiritBy Following Jesus!Follow Christ – Jesus mastered the conflict of conflictTempted in all areas without sinConviction wins with the Word - Wilderness. It is writtenConviction wins with the spirit - Gethsemane- warred but won - warred in soul but won in the spiritCrucifixion – The cross cures conflictAligns and submitsNo one wants to carry a cross - even Jesus in GethsemaneWe carry our cross because of the dedication that conviction bringsConflict allows only selected blessings.Conflict limits God to areas of conviction.Conflict brings Partial blessing partial curse.Don’t confuse blessing in one area as God’s total approval.Scheduling conflict is your timing versus God‘s timing? Rushing against God’s timingSpiritual conflict is sin blocking your blessings.Financial conflict is withholding tithePolitical conflict - voting against Gods planGalatians 1:10 (NLT)10 Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.Faith – Faith factor - Convictions requires faith to stand contrary to modern cultureBe patient in preaching conflict2 Timothy 2:23–26 (NLT)23 Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights.24 A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people.25 Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.26 Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.Conflict resolution - submission or separationGod did you a favorA personal opinion is overrated· A Personal agenda is overpriced - comes at a high price· people apparently value highly their opinion based upon the price they pay for it in lost jobs and broken relationships and frustrated anointingEncourage othersCall Senator - express your convictions – your support gives him /her a backbone to standHow to ApplicationsConviction Always SAYS the right thing· Conviction chooses Ministry vs popularity· what God wants to say vs what man wants to hear.· Paul would not be in ministry· we preach with conviction vs scratching itching earsConviction Always DOES the right thing· Vocation – when the boss isn’t looking – when on a business trip· Vote – we vote our convictions· Do right all the time – even if no one is doing it.· Don’t do wrong even if everyone is doing it.End time warning – No conviction – leads to apathy and anarchylack of conviction escalates the conflict. Conscience seared. No remorse. Reprobate.lack of conviction avoids the conflict – no involvement – a salt free lifeAre You a Convict?Does the Word convict you?Does your life convict others?· End time – we all end up convicted – pronounced either innocent or guilty· We all have a record – whether good or bad· Great commission – brings conviction – chance to chooseConviction brings revival through repentance! Acts 2:37Acts 2:37 ESVNow when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”LIVE by Conviction!· PREACH with CONVICTION· PRAY with conviction· PRAISE with Conviction· Give with conviction.· Witness with conviction.Epitaph- Our tombstones will basically say one of two things -· “this sucker was a sell out” or· “this soldier was sold out”· What will yours say?Closing - Live by God’s convictions!· Do the right thing - everyday in every way· People are saved· God gets gloryPrayerI am convicted of being conflicted.Forgive my double mindedness.I bind my mouth to speak your Word – with convictionI bind my feet to walk in your path always – to walk by convictionBecause of my convictions that God is God and that I am not, I make no excuses and all adjustments until my life consistently reflects the heart of the fatherIn my words, thoughts and actions John 3:16–21NLT
Rock Family Church of Morgantown WV
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