Chinook Alliance Church
January 23, 2022

You can still sign up for the weekly 40 Days of Prayer emails from the Alliance by registering here: Each week, those subscribed to the list will receive an email containing a video summarizing the week's prayer focus, an attachment with the daily devotionals for adults, and a weekly devotional for youth and children. You can also sign up to participate in the 10 am Wednesday virtual prayer meeting.

Our Annual Meeting will be Sunday, February 6, 2022, following our worship gathering. The 2021 Annual Report is available. Please read through it in preparation for our meeting. All are welcome to attend.

If you are an approved children's ministry worker and you would be willing to serve in our Kid's Church, please sign up for one of the open slots on the sheet on the back table. If you are not an approved children's ministry worker but are interested in becoming one, please talk to Pastor Ritch.

Our Global Impact Conference will be March 10-13th. Our IWs are Brian and Valerie Weidemann from Dalat, Malaysia. More information is coming.

If you are willing and able to serve our church by cleaning it, please sign up for a month of ministry. The signup sheet is on the bulletin board in the foyer. Thanks!

We are open for public worship gatherings! Sermons will be posted on the website and our YouTube channel as well.

If anyone is interested in volunteering in the AV booth, please let Chelsie Fox know at There will be training for those interested in serving

Ephesians 5:23-32ESV

Christ is the Head of his church

Christ loved his church

Christ loves his church

Christ is united with his church