Community Bible Chapel
March 1, 2020
Worship Service

Welcome & Announcements: Alex Barker 


Missions: Sally Bal


Call to Worship:  Acts 5:27-32

                                 Rich Yates


Hymns: (all songs on screen)

The Solid Rock #404

The Power of the Cross

The First Place

Pastoral Prayer: Wayne Funderburg


Sermon: Pastor Rich   

Hymn: Wonderful, Merciful Savior


Call To Worship

Acts 5:27-32ESV

Today's Sermon Text

Acts 4:32-5:42ESV

This Week

Today - March 1

Following the Service - Potluck Lunch

6:00 pm - Rock Solid

Tuesday - March 3

NO Music Team Practice

Wednesday - March 4

6:00 pm - Bible Study and Prayer

6:00 pm - Kid's Club

Thursday - March 5

9:30 am & 6:00 pm - Ladies Bible Study


Potluck meal and fellowship following the Worship Service. All are invited.

Thank you to everyone who came out to help at the Feeding America event on Friday. This is a great way to minister to our community.

Your "40 Day Prayer Guide" is on the back table. It provides a means for us to be praying together for our pastoral search process. Please take it home and use it as a prompter to pray, as God leads you. If you start this Wednesday, its daily prompters will take you through Easter.

Don't forget to spring your clocks forward for next Sunday!

We are not able to do the annual Ladies Tea this year as it is just too difficult to pull together with many not able to help or be there. Another simpler women's event is hoped for in April...will let you know when the details fall into place.

The March Benevolent offering will be for the Walk of Life Pregnancy Center in Iron Mountain.

How To Get Right With God

1. Admit that you disobey God.

     For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23).

2. Believe that God’s Son died and rose again to pay for your disobedience.

   But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8).

3. Receive Christ’s payment for your forgiveness.

     As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become

     children of God, even to those who believe in His name (John 1:12).