Gospel Community Church
April 19 from the Upper Room
  • I. The Greatness of Jesus

    II. Meditating on the Greatness of God

    Goal: To know God in order to delight in Him and Reflect Him.

    1) Start with What you know

    2) How does it relate to the Gospel?

    3) How is this theme seen or reflected in the life of Jesus

    4) Where do you see this theme in the O.T.?

    5) Where do you see this Theme in the Wisdom Literature?

    6) Commands and Promises related to the Theme

    7) Evidence of the Theme in the world around you?

    8) Attach Themes you study with Testimonies

    9) Begin and End with Prayer

    III. The Goal

    To know Him

    Knowing leads to delighting

    Delighting leads to reflecting