First Baptist Church of Leadville
      • Bible Trivia
  • Redeemed by the blood of the lamb
  • He Is Exalted
  • Shout To The Lord
  • Blessed Assurance
      • John 7.32-34NLT

      • John 7.35-36NLT

      • Luke 23.12NLT

      • Luke 17.22NLT

      • 2 Kings 2.17NLT

      • John 8.21-23NLT

      • John 8.24NLT

      • John 13.33-34NLT

      • John 13.35-37NLT

      • John 13.38NLT

      • John 14.1-4NLT

      • John 14.5-6NLT

  • Revelation Song