Bright Hope Community Church
May 24, 2020 8:45
Stewardship Report...

Weekly Budget Needed: $3,169

Offering received last week: $6,215

YTD Budget Needed: $63,380

YTD Budget Received: $71,890

Garbage Reminder...

Just a reminder to please make sure anything thrown in the garbage bin outside is securely tied in a bag. The garbage company will not take it if anything, including masks, is loose. It is checked before placing for them to pick up and we don't want anyone to have to deal with loose garbage. We appreciate your cooperation.

Church Picnic...

We are still planning on the annual church picnic to be held Sunday, August 9th! Obviously we don't know what the next day holds during this time but we are hopeful to have it. This year it will be held at the Butler Township Park close by. More details will be coming as the date approaches but mark your calendars!