Mount Pleasant BIC
August 15, 2021 Bulletin

Better is One Day

Come Now is the Time to Worship

Holy Holy Holy

This is My Desire

Make Room

Mark 6:31-32 ESV

1 Kings 19ESV

Pray for Nancy Shenk as she comes to speak to us about her journey in her final days in Zimbabwe and the move to the states. Pray for volunteers needed for the Fall Children's Club at Mount Pleasant.

-Bev has been admitted to the hospital with an infection. Surgery is scheduled for 8/12. She will be going home with drains. Prayers for a safe surgery and quick recovery!

-Tho and Notsen have returned home for about a month.

-Ruby and Dick will be making a move into a facility the end of Sept. Prayers for comfort in this time of grief.

-Fran is having pain from a compression fracture, also pain in the throat from radiation.

-Prayers for Joel's grandfather Warren as he is not doing well.

-Tony B has been ill and is having more testing done, also recovering from multiple stings from disturbing a yellow jacket nest.

-Chris has been having nerve pain. Will be starting aquatic therapy.

-Oren's Uncle, Ira, is 104 years old and upset his lawnmower and broke his leg. Prayers for healing.

-Continue to pray God will provide a Youth Ministry Coordinator

-Pray as we plan for fall ministries.

-Ruby’s brother’s testing is negative, and he is doing well.

-Bev has received word that she does not need chemotherapy and can begin returning to her normal activity.

-The technology to stay in touch in so many ways.

-Salvation and hope for the future

-A Loving Father

-This body of believers

Check our Faithlife Page periodically to view announcements, updates, prayer requests, bulletins, upcoming events, etc.

Offering - $3,825.00 General Fund

Discovery Hour -24

Morning Worship Hour -59/6 Virtual

July Financial Report

$16,025.94    Income

$18,851.05     Expenses