Pigeon River Church June 30, 2024
We express our love for God by worshipping Him together, introducing people to Jesus, nurturing God's family, and serving in obedience to Christ.

We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy this opportunity to worship God with us.

Please join us on Facebook or YouTube if you cannot attend in person.

Join us for prayer in the conference room @ 8:45 am on Sundays

Pre-Service Song  

Welcome, Announcements & Prayer

Greet Your Neighbor

Songs of Worship

Children's Story


Hymns of Worship

Scripture: 1 Timothy 1:3-17

Message: Pastor Dave

“Counter Culture: The Gospel & Sex Slavery”


Live stream sign-off

Sharing and Prayer



11 am Sunday School Opportunities

  • Children - Toddler thru 5th grade classes in the basement
  • Youth - c/o Zach Sopczynski in the Youth room
  • Adults - 
  1. Bilingual Connections - c/o Esther Prisciliano, Sewing Room
  2. Sermon Reflection - "Counter Culture: The Gospel & Sex Slavery", Fellowship Room
  3. Quarterly Lesson 5 - "Fearless Witness" c/o Brent Maust, Conference Room



  • TTLM, 7 pm - Jeff & Brenda Glasco

Thank You! I want to thank my church family for all the cards and birthday wishes. May the Lord bless you richly for your love and kindness. ~Ruth Dutcher

Beginning next Sunday we will take an additional offering. My Coins Count will be taken for MCC each Sunday in July. Be prepared to bring coins, bills, checks, etc..

Futbol en el parque: Join us on Friday nights for fellowship with our Hispanic community as they enjoy recreation at the Ackerman Park in Elkton. Feel free to come as it suits, 6:30-9 pm each Friday night.

Next Sunday we will enjoy a Summer Campfire at the home of David and Nicole Shupe.

Attention All: There is a sewing project in the making for which we need a little help from whomever reads this announcement. What we need is a small rectangular piece of fabric that measures around 3-4 inches x 8-10 inches. It can be any color and any type from wool to cotton.  Put it in an envelope with your name on the envelope and place it in the church mailbox of Charlene Neer. Hopefully the project will be completed by Christmas! Thanks for your help!

Marie plans to be out of town in the upcoming days. Please contact the following for your church nurse needs during this time. Caitlin Buggia July 5-9    Char Neer July 10-12   Faith Fahrner July 13-14.

Join us in Greenwood, Delaware, for Rosedale Network’s annual Multiply Conference! We’ll gather to experience a clear call to Follow Jesus, keeping Him and His kingdom front and center amidst our divided culture where it’s all about who you “like” and “follow.” For more information or to register.


Offerings: You can mail in your donation or use our online giving portal in One Church. You can also check out how easy it is to text to give. Simply text the word “GIVE” and your amount to (833)428-2181. If you'd like to schedule direct deposit donations, contact Darrel Yoder. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.


Worship Leader this week: Marie Maust

Worship Leader next week: Lyle Gascho

Fellowship Greeter this week: Tom & Karen Beachy

Fellowship Greeter next week: Jon & Kim Good

Pastoral Care this week: Denny & Debbie Weidman

Pastoral Care next week: Tom & Karen Beachy

Nursery this week: Shupe family

Nursery next week: Emily Maust & Silas Maurer

Scripture Passage Next Week: Psalm 20

Prayer Needs

Prayers for the local church

· Pastor's Dave & Bill

· Holy Spirit's guidance as we counter our culture

· Futbol en el parque, intentionality to create connections w/ our Hispanic community

Health Concerns

· Eldy Voelker - healing & cancer treatment

· Matthew McIntosh's sister, Jennifer - dr. appt. wisdom for cancer follow-up treatments

· Brian Simmons - healing from skin graft

· Dale Ackerman - healing from cancer; radiation treatments

· Omar, Gaby, Danna & Elias - God's will if they are to return

· Tonya Karpovich - recovery from surgery; her father recovery from surgery

· Kathy Gnagey - recovery from surgery to repair retina

· Jason & Jenna Maust


· RI - Mediterranean - Amos & Alice, Pray for the staff of the transition house as they care for vulnerable girls. They need wisdom to know when to overlook problematic behavior and when to enforce consequences. Ask that they could approach each situation with grace, love, and wisdom.

· Kingdom Investment International - various ministries in Burkina Faso


· War in Ukraine w/ Russia

· War in Israel/Gaza/Iran - hostage release & peace in Jerusalem

· Central Plains area catastrophic flooding


Click the link to see our activities coming up.