Pigeon River Mennonite Church April 11, 2021 at 9:30 am
Loving God by worshipping...introducing...nurturing...serving

Welcome & Prayer

Songs of Worship

Scripture: James 5:13-20 & Matt 4:1-11

Message: Pastor Dave

The Grace in Discipline: Corporate Part 1: Confession & Worship

Hymns of Worship

Live Stream Sign-off

Sharing & Pastoral Prayer

Closing Hymn



11 am Sunday school opportunities:

  • K- 5th Grade -Children's classes, . Individual rooms in the basement. If you have questions, please contact Kim Good.

  • Youth - c/o Pastor Bill in the youth room.

  • Adults - Option 1:

Adult class meet in the sanctuary studying the

uniform quarterly lesson, the current theme is "Prophets

Faithful to God's Covenant" - c/o Tom Beachy & Brent Maust.

Option 2: Last session of "Jesus in the Secular World" in the

Fellowship Hall. c/o Pastor Dave.

Today... at 5 pm Book Readers Group discussion and follow-up meeting in the youth room on the book, The Daniel Prayer. Looking forward to having a great time together. - Dale Ackerman

  • The recipes for the fundraiser that Maggie Maurer is doing for Shammah Ministries are due today. Please put them in the Maurer mailbox or email them to PigeonRiverRecipes@gmail.com.

The new series of GriefShare will start on Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm. Contact Marie to attend this grief support group.

The Youth SWAP trip is scheduled for July 12- 16th to Kimball, WVA.

VBS is being planned for July 19-23. If you are willing to help in any way please contact Rhonda Buehler.

Gladwin area residents need helpers to repair flood-damaged homes! We have five homes ready to go- we need people to do siding, demolition, sub-floors, floors, drywall, painting and cabinet installation. Send two workers for a day or a whole crew for a week! We need you all! New homes are going on the list every week. Call Bess Fitzgerald at 269 381-4264 if you can help.

Offering Today: PRMinistries - You can mail in your donation. Our online giving portal is on our website You can also check out how easy it is to set up giving through the Faithlife app or text. Simply text the word “GIVE” to (989)217-8181. We appreciate your generosity and flexibility.

Offering next week: PR Ministries

Worship Leader this week: Dale Yoder

Worship Leader next week: Marie Maust

Fellowship Greeter this week: Jill Champagne & Tonya Karpovich

Fellowship Greeter next week: Lynn & Brenda Maust

Pastoral Care this week: Ken & Judy Dietzel

Pastoral Care next week: Gerry Swartzendruber

Prayer for the local church

· Our Missions Ministry

· Our Pastors - for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit in their leadership of our congregation

Health Concerns/Situations

· Those recovering from Covid

· (Arlin) Bear Swartzendruber

· Jill's granddaughter Ashlyn

· Pastor Bill’s father—physical healing from cancer; spiritual healing

· Craig family


· RI - A worker that is focused on seeing the church established among those who have not heard the gospel in a country in North Africa. He hopes to begin a business venture which will provide permanent residence and create relationships with the indigenous language group.


· Countries in the world that are experiencing severe drought and famine.

Prayer Chain: Email Emily, secretary@pigeonriverchurch.com or call/text her at 989-550-9625