Emanuel Baptist Church of Scotch Plains, NJ
Sunday Morning Worship

Morning Worship Service

June 13, 2021

Devotion                                                            11:15 A.M.

Call to Worship


Congregational Hymn: #340    “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”

Responsive Reading: #593              “Divine Providence”

Congregational Hymn: #325   “We’ll Understand It Better By and By”

Morning Prayer:                                                                  

Service to Stewardship:                   The Offertory Litany

"The worship that is empty handed is, per the Scriptures, simply not worship at all. The bringing of an offering to God is pictured in the Scripture as a high and inestimable part of worship."- Ralph S. Cushman

Ushers:                                        Tithes/Missions/General


Scripture Readings:                                          Acts 26:1-3

Sermonic Selection                          EBC Music Ministry

Sermon "I Almost Quit"

Invitation to Discipleship
