Emanuel Baptist Church of Scotch Plains, NJ
Sunday Morning Worship Service November 13, 2022
Order of Service

November 13, 2022

Preparation for Worship                                                                   10:00 A.M.

Call to Worship 10:20 A.M.


Hymn of Worship: "Oh I Want to See Him"

Scripture Lesson:                      "Revelations 1:11-16"

Sermonic Selection: "Hol,Holy,Holy"

Sermon: "The Glorified Christ"

Invitation to Discipleship

Service to Stewardship:   


"The worship that is empty handed is, according to the Scriptures, simply not worship at all. The bringing of an offering to God is pictured in the Scripture as a high and inestimable part of worship."- Ralph S. Cushman


Hymn of Praise: "Pass It On"


Be Blessed, Be Safe and Be a Blessing!!

O I Want to See Him

As I journey thro’ the land, singing as I go,

Pointing souls to Calvary—to the crimson flow,

Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within

But my Lord leads me on, thro’ Him I must win.


O I want to see Him, look upon His face,

There to sing forever of His saving grace

On the streets of glory let me lift my voice,

Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.

When in service for my Lord dark may be the night,

But I’ll cling more close to Him, He will give me light

Satan’s snares may vex my soul, turn my tho’ts aside

But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate’er betide.


When in valleys low I look tow’rd the mountain height,

And behold my Savior there, leading in the fight,

With a tender hand outstretched tow’rd the valley low,

Guiding me, I can see, as I onward go.


When before me billows rise form the mighty deep,

Then my Lord directs my bark He doth safely keep,

And He leads me gently on thro’ this world below

He’s a real friend to me, O I love Him so.


Holy, Holy, Holy

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!

God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,

Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea

Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,

Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.

Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,

Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see

Only Thou art holy there is none beside Thee,

Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea

Holy, holy, holy merciful and mighty!

God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

Pass It On

It only takes a spark to get a fire going,

And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing;

That's how it is with God's Love,

Once you've experienced it,

Your spread the love to everyone

You want to pass it on.


What a wondrous time is spring,

When all the tress are budding

The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming;

That's how it is with God's love,

Once you've experienced it.

You want to sing, it's fresh like spring,

You want to pass it on.


I wish for you my friend

This happiness that I've found;

You can depend on God

It matters not where you're bound,

I'll shout it from the mountain top - PRAISE GOD!

I want the world to know

The Lord of love has come to me

I want to pass it on.


I'll shout it from the mountain top - PRAISE GOD!

I want the world to know

The Lord of love has come to me

I want to pass it on.

Something to Think About

“A common mistake we make is that we look for God in places where we ourselves wish to find him, yet even in the physical reality this is a complete failure. For example, if you lost your car keys, you would not search where you want to search, you would search where you must in order to find them.”

― Criss Jami, Killosophy

“In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.” Isaac Newton

“Now it would be as absurd to deny the existence of God, because we cannot see him, as it would be to deny the existence of the air or wind, because we cannot see it.” Adam Clarke

 “It is not the objective proof of God’s existence that we want but the experience of God’s presence. That is the miracle we are really after, and that is also, I think, the miracle that we really get.” Frederick Buechner

“Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely. … He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken.” ― Dieter F. Uchtdorf