Riverview Baptist Church

Jan. 29, 2023



Welcome …………………………….….…..….… Pastor T. Brown

*Hymn (찬송가) …………..*P 14 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Greeting…………………………………..….…..…..… Jimmy Pack

*Hymn (찬송가)….…..….*P 182 What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Announcements (광고)……………….…........................Bill Barnett  

*Hymn (찬송가) .………...…..*P 485 Stand up, Stand up for Jesus

Tithes & Offering Prayer (헌금&기도)……..................Jimmy Pack

*Doxology (헌금 찬양)………………………………..………...…All

Special Music………………………………….………Suzette Fulton

Message ..................................................................... Pastor T. Brown

*Closing Hymn ……………………..……....* P 275 I Surrender All

Closing Prayer (폐회기도)……………....………... Antonio Beverly  

Ushers -Mr. Lee


*= Stand up

Today’s Message:

Scripture 1Chornicles 29:1b

 And the work is great: for the palace is not for man, but for the LORD God.

역대기상 29:1( 나눈 귀절)

이 공사는 크도다.

이는 궁이 사람을 위한 것이 아니라  “ 주 하나님” 을 위한 것이라.

Church News

*Bill Burrell-Health & Recovery surgery & Stroke

                                  *Saira Burrell-Health & 사라 & 빌 건강과 수술

                  Paul &Ying George Family Looking for an apartment to stay in & Job.

*Lolita’s Health Left Eye Surgery 1/31 & family 롤리타 눈 건강 & 가족들.

*Pray for Kason Health케이슨 건강회복.

*Mac McGlennon -Health & Recovery come home Monday ,맥 글레넌  은헤안 에서 회복과 월요일 집에오심 .

*Praise the Lord for cheerful givers!

헌금 보내시는 성도님들!

*Jack Rollison tithe FL,잭 롤린슨 훌로리다

*Ray & Dora Lutz tithe South Korea, 레이 & 도라 한국

*Paul &Ying George tithe TX , 폴 조오지 텍사스

2Cor 9:7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. Selah

고후9:7 사람마다 그 마음에 정한 대로 줄 것이요 인색함으로나 부득이함이 아니니라 하나님은 즐겨 내는 자를 사랑하시느니라. 셀라.



                                             Jan. 22, 2023


                                        Offering $1905.00

                                             Total $7168.00