- Blessed Assurance
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- Take Me In
- Blessed Assurance
1. Why is the blood of Christ an important doctrine for Christians? What would Christianity lose if the blood language were removed?
2. What does the author of Hebrews mean when he says that Christ has opened “a new and living way through the curtain”? How do we enter the presence of God now?
3. Why are we able to draw near to the Father with a true heart and full assurance? How does Scripture affirm that Christians can have full assurance in their salvation? Give examples.
4. How is the washing with water mentioned in verse 22 superior to the washings mentioned in the Old Testament? How do these washings link to baptism? What is the role of baptism in salvation? How significant is baptism for our sanctification? Explain.
5. Why does a Christian need the church? What does the church offer to an individual believer that he cannot get elsewhere or on his own?