December 22, 2024
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Office phone: 716-736-3800
SUNDAY SCHOOL for Nursery – Adult 9:30 a.m.
The Sunday School Missions offering next Sunday will go to L.E.A.D., Inc. for Dayspring Farm in Zambia, to feed their many employees and their families - a total of 300+ people. The men get fed lunch at work but often they take their lunch home to their family and work all day without eating. They are so grateful to have work! So many have lost their jobs due to the famine. Ask the Lord what He might want you to give out of the abundance with which He has blessed you.
Welcome and Announcements
Hymn 121 Away in A Manger
Scripture Reading
Hymn 114 The First Noel
Songs of Worship
Message – Tom Mencer
Christmas Series
Hymn 104 Joy to the World
Offering plate at the back of the church or collection box on wall.
Nursery Schedule today: Walt and Lynette Warner
Next week: Zach and Maggie Sandberg
Cleaning Schedule: FH – Bill McDonald and Brenda Darling
Next week: FH – Pauline Maas
Looking a Month Ahead
Preaching schedule: January – Josh Mencer
Tonight – Carols, Cards, and Cookies, 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
We will gather to sing Christmas carols, distribute any Christmas cards that haven’t been delivered, and enjoy any cookies that you would like to bring and share! It’s a wonderful time of gathering together.
Dec. 25 – Christmas Day! Rejoice! (No prayer meeting)
Don’t forget to drop your Christmas cards in the box in the hall. You can check the table in the hallway to the back. Cards are in stacks in alphabetical order.
Have a joyous celebration of the first coming of
the Son of God,
Jesus Christ our Lord,
our Savior,
our King!