•  — Edited

    Hi!! For those that will be at youth group Wednesday, would you be able to announce the game night again for 4/15? I noticed we only have 1 signed up so far so hoping for a few more :) Thank you for your help!
    1. I will bring it to their attention again 🙂
    2. Thank you!!
  • Morning! I put another sign up sheet in the youth room for our April event which is going to be a game night Saturday 4/15 from 4-6! Please encourage the youth to sign up and bring friends! Also, please let me know if you’re able to come help - aka come play games and hang out. It should be a fun time! Thank you :)
    1. Morning! We’re looking to have the youth help with the egg hunt on Easter Sunday! There is a sign up in the youth room for volunteers. If you’re there Wednesday and can make them aware and encourage them to sign up that would be great!
      1. Today? haha. I'll make sure to ask them. Thanks Chrissy!
      2. Is today Wednesday already? Ha but yeah! It will be there the next few weeks. Thanks!!
    2. Hey all! Our next youth event coming up is Out to Lunch bunch on Super Bowl Sunday (2/12). Justin and I are able to go and I signed out the church van. We are asking any kids to bring $5 and will go to Infinitos in Lancaster. If any other leaders want to join us you are welcome to come! The more the merrier! I will get info out to kids today on What's App.
      1. Here is the worship plan for youth Sunday. Thanks to each one of you for all you do to pour into our youth!
        1. I was in the office after the service today and overheard 2 couples (all new members) talking about how the Youth Sundays the last two years were influential in them choosing Akron Grace as their church and how special those services, and teens, were. It had an impact on them and they are all looking forward to the service next week. If the teens have any doubt about their importance, please let them know they are making a difference! I'm praying for this Sunday and am excited for it! ❤
          1. I think everyone will be once again be blessed by what they have to share! It is really cool to hear their insights as they are preparing!
          2. ❤️
        2. Attached is some info being handed out to youth for youth Sunday which is coming up quickly on 1/29. Chrissy - the youth will run through their stuff on Sunday 1/29 prior so you will not need to have a SS lesson that day. Please feel free to add/speak into this. The kids speaking in the message portion will get to review what they wrote with leaders on 1/22 at ignite.
          1. Justin and I were able to connect today and chatted about some upcoming events and youth Sunday. We are looking forward to having Daniel join us and speak into these things as well and hope to set up a meeting with him soon (and will invite all of you). Attached is an updated schedule for the youth calendar as we had to make a change with winter thaw.
            1. Hey leaders! I wanted to reach out and see what curriculum/lessons Wednesday night is doing for Ablaze? I’ve heard a few of the students mention some right now media sessions (which is awesome!) and I use that for Sunday school so just want to make sure I don’t overlap :) I’m starting the 2023 youth roadmap which starts with 1, 2 and 3rd John by Tony Evans!
              1. Hi leaders! Final plans for the allnighter tonight....feel free to stop by for any, or all, of it! 8-9: church 9-12: Ephrata Rec Center (Eddie Dowlin's youth group joining us) 12-415: church 415: leave for breakfast at Park City Diner 6: back at church