• Please pray.

    Prayers for family friend, her daughter will be taken off of life support today, please remember Kelly, Kyla has had lifelong disabilities
    1. Please pray.

      Prayers for my cousin Larry Alford having skin cancer removal surgery at 2:00
      1. Please pray.

        Please pray for a friend with cancer, Gary Phelps, having some issues
        1. Definitely be praying for him. Gary was my little league baseball coach.
      2. Please pray.

        Prayers for my cousin Larry Alford, diagnosis with skin cancer.
        1. Please pray.

          Prayers for family friend Shelly Robins stage 4 breast cancer
          1. What wonderful lady who Loves ❤️ all the kids in her care. She is special to our family!
        2. Please pray.

          Remember my son, Justin, having some personal issues this morning, please pray for him, also remember my cousin Jill, she has an adopted son that she fostered for some time before adoption, becoming violent towards the father, really needing prayer for that situation.
          1. Please pray.

            Please pray for the family of Shannon Rogers passed away this morning
            1.  — Edited

              Please pray.

              Please pray for my daughter Jenny, doctor called for her to have biopsies as a result of her 2nd mammogram, very emotional as well.
              1. Please pray.

                Please pray for my nephew Cole very sick , went to children’s urgent care, upper respiratory infection, other issues as well, 18 months old
                1. Please pray.

                  Please pray for my friend Tony Wilkins, cancer. Found additional spot on liver and beginning more chemo, prayer for his relationship with God as well.