Ben Witherington III
Author • Wilmore, KY • 0 members • 568 followers
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- Why is this sentence written like this? "It is interesting that the use of the “hope” word group (elpis and cognates) is found only in Titus and 1 Timothy—yet another way that these two letters are the most similar among the Pastorals." Do you mean hope is only listed in the Pastorals in Titus and 1 Timothy, not 2 Timothy? Because is certainly is elsewhere in the NT. Ben Witherington III, Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Titus, 1–2 Timothy and 1–3 John, vol. 1 (Downers Grove, IL; Nottingham, England: IVP Academic; Apollos, 2006), 188.
- Don’t just read this celebrated scholar’s works, take a course from him: select Mobile Ed courses by Witherington are 35% off! Are the Round 2 Winners & Deals You Need to Know - LogosTalkIn a surprise upset, F.F. Bruce has taken down J.I. Packer in Round 2 of Logos March Madness! But now Bruce must face John Piper, who defeated Geerhardus Vos by nearly 20 percent! Plus, Round 3 pits Charles Spurgeon against Tim Keller, A.W. Tozer against John Stott, and Darrell Bock against Douglas Moo. Voting is …
- Hi Dr. Witherington III! I just finished a PhD class at SBTS where Dr. York required your socio-rhetorical commentary on for 1 Corinthians. I was quite blessed by your material. I have now purchased the rest of the series. Thank you for your contribution to the body of Christ. - John Fallahee
- Congratulations!! What is the area of your studies?
- Hello everyone...I just began a type of scavenger homework assignment tonight for Seminary and one of the questions being asked is "What are those called who are searching for the Historical Jesus?" I just started looking but wondered if "Questors" is the answer or maybe even "Reconstructionists". What would your answer be and is the term widely used and well known please? Blessings and thanks (I will reply to my post if I discover a better more accurate answer.)
- Have you ever considered taking on N. T. Wright's assessment of Romans 11:25ff point for point. I would love to hear your response to his interpretation. Where are its weaknesses, its strengths? What are the unknowns? For instance, I read both your commentaries and both of you go into detail about how "kai houtos" is either timing (you) or manner (Wright). You make a strong case with references and so does he. Wright adds something strong when he says "the Greek houtos simply does not bear this sense" as to timing, saying also it "never comes close to meaning this." He then follows this up with a slew of biblical references to make his point, even noting that houtos is never used in a temporal fashion in its other references within Romans. But you go into detail as well as to the fact that kai houtos can be used in a temporal fashion, noting extra biblical sources. But then you show a few biblical passages that, in fact, show that kai houtos can be used as a temporal phrase! This is where readers like myself get confused :) Both of you make very good arguments and they have the power to win the readers mind, but both of you cannot be right in the end. I'm OK with a passage remaining unclear but both of you take very strong positions on your stances. Wright even admits that he once held your view until later exegesis of the overall theme of the "one family" made out of both Jews and Gentiles became the interpretive grid of this passage for him and changed him to his present position. Curious.
- Karl Barth has been a seminal theologian in my Christian walk since before seminar. He influences me most through his Christocentric focus, his rather novel doctrine of election (i.e. we are all both elect and reprobate in Christ) and, in particular, his doctrine of Scripture where the Bible becomes, by the Holy Spirit, thee unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ, and God's word to me. I know that these are three issues on which historic Calvinists disagree with Barth and me, but I'd love you hear some of your views on this, since I have also been influenced by Dr. Witherington. Thanks in advance for your input.