Sunday Bulletin
May 19, 2019

Pastor Steve Van Noort



* Gathering Praise: “Glory”

* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise “Reformation Song”

Profession of Faith

Profession of Faith for Hana Holleman, Elise Ball, Lydia Ter Beek, Addison DeJong, Kaleigh Vandenberg

Ministry of Music: “How Can It Be”

*Apostles’ Creed

*Song of Response:    “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”1,2,4

Offering Our Gifts

Congregational Prayer

Offering for Faith Promise


Prayer of Blessing for the Children

God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Here Is Love”1-4

* Scripture: John 17 (p. 1073)

Message: “Love Hopes All Things”


* Song of Response: “When Peace Like a River” PH 489: 1,2,4


* Benediction

* Doxology: “My Friends, May You Grown in Grace”

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Praise team: Doug Van Andel, Kelly De Jong, Addie De Jong, Brendan Vandenberg, Elise Ball, Addison De Jong, Hana Holleman, Lydia Ter Beek and Kaleigh Vandenberg

Pastor Steve Van Noort

Gathering to Worship


Welcome & Opening Prayer

* Songs of Praise: “Come Into His Presence” 2x

“O Come My Soul Sing Praise” PH 297:1-5

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Time of Prayer

Offering New Way Ministries


Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “How Great Thou Art” PH 483

Scripture: Psalm 20 (p. 539)

Message: “A Prayer for the Anointed”


Q & A Discussion Opportunity


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God” PH 630

* Postlude

Pianist: Sue Meenderinck

WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN sympathy to Gert Douma and Jane and Dennis Buys in the passing of Gert’s husband and Jane’s father, Dave Douma. The graveside service was held on Friday. 

PLEASE REMEMBER to pray for these members of our Bethel family:

• Howard Nunnikhoven as he recovers from a stroke and surgery

• Cheryl Marston who is recovering from radiation treatments

• Betty Wigboldy who has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

• Peter Mans who has back and neck pain  

PROFESSION OF FAITH: This morning we are privileged to witness the profession of faith of: Elise Ball, Addison De Jong, Hana Holleman, Lydia Ter Beek and Kaleigh Vandenberg. We rejoice with these girls and their families in this important milestone of their faith journey.


• May 26: CRC Joint Service, Mt. View CRC, 6pm

• May 30 (Thursday): Ascension Day worship service at 7:00pm

• June 2: Graduation Celebration

• June 9: Pentecost and Communion Service

CHILDREN AND WORSHIP class is finished for the season. 

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FUND: Pledge forms for the 2019-2020 school year are due today and can be returned to the box on the library table. If you forgot to bring your form back today, pledges will be accepted through next Sunday as well. Thank you for your pledges.  

ASCENSION DAY SERVICE: Join us Thursday May 30 at 7:00pm for a brief yet victorious time of worship, with refreshments and fellowship afterward.

SUMMER WORSHIP: Our Sunday morning services will start at 10 am for the summer months, beginning June 2.

VESPER SERVICE: May 26 at CHCC, group two: Marv Apol, Joan Vander Haak, Denise Storteboom, Tim and Mary Pitcher, Doug and Norene Van Andel, Marlo De Young, Janet Steiger, Joyce Kok. 

JOINT CRC SERVICE: Mountain View welcomes our CRC family in Lynden and Sumas to an evening of shared worship Sunday, May 26 at 6pm. A time of fellowship over root beer floats will follow. The evening's offering will be for World Renew.

SUPPORT GROUP STARTING: Matthew 28 is the name of a new support group starting at Bethel. Christ gave us the great commission to go out into the world to share the gospel. Sometimes we struggle with how to do that, what words to say to our non-Christian friends.... In this group we will encourage each other as we try to reach out, Pastor Steve will be our facilitator. We will meet Saturday June 8, at McDonalds at 8 am. 

THANK YOU for supporting the GEMS Taco Dinner on May 2 and for donating so generously to our students at The Esther School in Zambia, Africa! We made enough money to support Betha and her brother Michael for another year. As a result, they will be instructed in the faith by loving Zambian and North American Christian teachers and receive two meals each day, plus they receive uniforms, toothbrushes, clean water, and an education that will give them great opportunities to continue to give back to their community as adults. The families of children who attend The Esther School are greatly blessed as well. Thank you for being part of this life-changing and God-glorifying school and for helping the Bethel GEMS live out our aim "to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."

PLEASE PRAY for Bob and Joan Vander Haak's daughter-in-law, Naomi who is having surgery in Seattle on Wednesday to remove a benign brain tumor. She had similar surgery almost three years ago but doctors were unable to remove all of the tumor which has since grown. Please pray that surgeons are able to do so this time so she won't have to face future surgery.