Sunday Bulletin
January 6, 2019

Pastor Steve Van Noort


Prelude: “Variations on “O God our Help in Ages Past” arr. P. Manz

* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Gathering Songs: “Praise the Lord! Sing Hallelujah” PH 146:1,2,4

“As With Gladness Men of Old” PH 358:1,2,4,5

Confession and Assurance

* Apostles Creed

Prayer of Confession

Song of Assurance: “Blessed Assurance” PH 490:1,3

Installation of Elders and Deacons

Commissioning: John Hiemstra, Tim Holleman, John Schouten

                            Ken Herwerden, Norene Van Andel, Ken Vander Veen

Signing the Form of Subscription


Offering Our Gifts

Congregational Prayer

Offering for Christian Education Fund

Offertory: “Take My Life and Let It Be” arr. A. Lovelace

Prayer of Blessing for the Children

(Children ages 3 - 1st Grade are dismissed to Children’s Church

and Children & Worship In the basement at this time.)

God’s Word

* Scripture: Genesis 22 (p. 19)

Message: “Abraham’s Faith Tested”


* Song of Response: “By Faith”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Worthy is Christ” PH 629:1-2

* Postlude: “If You But Trust in God to Guide You” arr. W. Buszin

Organist: Marilyn Kooiman

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Pastor Aaron Walters

Gathering to Worship


Welcome & Opening Prayer

* Songs of Praise: “Be Still for the Presence of the Lord” 1-3

“Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor”

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Time of Prayer

Offering for New Way Ministries


Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Our Sovereign God”

Scripture: Luke 2:41-52 (p. 1018)

Message: “Twelve Years Old”


* Song of Response: “Be Thou My Vision” HFG 468


* Benediction

* Doxology: “He Is Lord” PH 633

* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Betty Folkertsma who turns 90 on Saturday!

THANK YOU: Ten years ago I was ordained in your sanctuary. And for 10 years you all have partnered with us and The Table. You have prayed for us, faithfully given and supported us. I thank God for your faithful partnership in helping in God’s work. Aaron Walters

PLEASE PRAY for Edie Tennant as she will be having knee replacement surgery tomorrow.

INSTALLATION SERVICE: This morning we will have installation of elders and deacons. Elders: John Hiemstra, Tim Holleman and John Schouten. Deacons: Ken Herwerden, Norene Van Andel and Ken Vander Veen. Thank you to our outgoing council members: Jeff De Jong, Mark Tennant, Darin De Young, Jerry Meenderinck and Brian Sipma. Thank you to Keith Korthuis who is serving an extra year as elder.

WELCOME to Pastor Aaron Walters who will lead our evening worship.

GEMS: Looking forward to seeing you for our first meeting of 2019 tomorrrow, January 7, at 7:00 p.m.! You are always welcome to bring a friend!

SHINE: We will have our first meeting of the year this coming Wednesday. Please bring $5 for our progressive junk food dinner.


  • January 20: Sanctity of Life Sunday, Pastor Ken Van Kooten will lead both services
  • January 27: Cadet Sunday

ENVISION NEWSLETTER: Copies of the Envision and West Africa Matters newsletters are available on the narthex table.