Sunday Bulletin
May 26, 2019

Pastor Steve Van Noort

God Calls Us to Worship

Prelude: “We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend” arr. P. Rippen

        “Jesus Shall Reign” arr. R. Powell

* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Gathering Songs: “Let All Things Now Living” PH 453:1-2

“Rejoice, the Lord is King” PH 408:1-4

We Confess Our Sin & Receive Grace

Prayer of Confession 

Assurance of Grace

Song of Response: “The Lord Is My Salvation”

We Offer Our Gifts

Congregational Prayer

Offering for The Table

Offertory: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” arr. M. Burkhardt

Prayer of Blessing for the Children

God Speaks to Us

* Song of Preparation: “Shout, for the Blessed Jesus Reigns” PH 539:1,4,5

* Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 (p. 1140)

Message: Love Endures All Things


* Song of Response: “I Will Sing of My Redeemer” PH 479:1-3

We Leave to Serve

* Benediction

* Doxology: “He Is Lord” 2 vs

* Postlude: “Look Ye, Saints, the Sight is Glorious” W. Haller

Organist: Marilyn Kooiman

BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS to Ruth Tiersma who will celebrate her 89th birthday on Thursday, May 30! 

JOINT CRC SERVICE: Mountain View welcomes our CRC family in Lynden and Sumas to an evening of shared worship tonight at 6pm. A time of fellowship over root beer floats will follow. The evening's offering will be for World Renew.

VESPER SERVICE TODAY: at CHCC, 2 pm, Group Two.  

SHINE: Our last youth group meeting is this Wednesday. We will meet at 6:45 pm at the youth house. Eighth graders are welcome to attend.

ASCENSION DAY SERVICE: Join us Thursday May 30 at 7:00pm for a brief yet victorious time of worship, with refreshments and fellowship afterward.

SUMMER WORSHIP: Our Sunday morning services will start at 10 am for the summer months, beginning next week June 2.

MATTHEW 28 is the name of a new support group starting at Bethel. Christ gave us the great commission to go out into the world to share the gospel. Sometimes we struggle with how to do that, what words to say to our non-Christian friends.... In this group we will encourage each other as we try to reach out, Pastor Steve will be our facilitator. We will meet Saturday June 8, at McDonalds at 8 am. 

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FUND: If you haven't yet turned in your Christian Education Fund pledge for the 2019-2020 school year, pledges will still be accepted through today. Thank you to all who have pledged for the coming year and for your faithful giving as we wrap up this school year.  


• June 2: Graduation Celebration

• June 9: Pentecost and Communion Service