Sunday Bulletin
March 10, 2019

Pastor Steve Van Noort

Come Into His Presence


Call to Worship and Prayer of Confession

* Song of Assurance: “Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy”

* God Greets Us: Blessing of Aaron

* We Greet One Another

* Gathering Songs:                         “Hosanna Praise is Rising”

          “O Church Arise”

Offering Prayers and Gifts

Congregational Prayer

Offering for General Fund


Prayer of Blessing for the Children

Your Word Is Truth

* Song of Preparation: “Just As I Am Without One Plea” PH 263: 1-4

* Scripture: 1 Corinthians 13.4-7 (p. 1140)

Message: “Love Demonstrates Humility”

Song of Response: “What Wondrous Love is This?” PH 379: 1-3

Parting with God’s Blessing

* Benediction

* Closing Song: “Behold Our God” 

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Praise team: Laura Te Velde, Mandy Van Noort, Isabelle Van Noort, Kaleigh Vandenberg, Brendan Vandenberg

Pastor Steve Van Noort

Gathering to Worship


* God’s Greeting

* Call to Worship

* Songs of Praise: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” PH 410: 1-3

“Hallelujah for the Cross”

Offering Our Prayers and Gifts

Time of Prayer: Lifting up our Community & Livelihoods (Sally Korthuis)

Offering for Lighthouse Mission


Hearing God’s Word

* Song of Preparation: “Beautiful Savior” PH 461: 1-4

Scripture: Proverbs 19.20-23 (p. 642)

Message: “The Purposes of God Will Stand”


* Song of Response: “Our Sovereign God” 


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” PH 638

* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

Praise Team: Elaine Vos, Doug Van Andel, Brendan Vandenberg

LENT: As we enter the season of Lent, you will notice the elements of purple in our sanctuary. This color symbolizes penitence and sorrow for sin, and also signifies royalty. These two seemingly opposite ideas come together as we remember that Jesus, the King of Kings, took our sin and shame upon Himself and was crucified to purchase forgiveness of sin for those who trust in Him. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

COMBINED SERVICE: Welcome to all who are joining us for our combined CRC service tonight. We will sing to our Savior, hear His word proclaimed and pray for crops and industry. Please join us for coffee afterwards. The offering will be for Lighthouse Mission.

POTLUCK TODAY: Care Community #1 will have a potluck in the basement following this morning’s service. Please join us if you are a visiting Bethel!


FAITH PROMISE: Next week our yearly Faith Promise pledge cards will be passed out. Many years back Faith Promise started by encouraging us to give beyond what we usually give--to step out in faith and watch how the Lord provides more money than you thought possible. Please pray with your family this week about the amount you will pledge.

NEXT SUNDAY evening Pastor Jim Carberry will lead our service.

SAVE THE DATE: We will have a blessing shower on Sunday, April 7.

WOMEN’S RETREAT: March is zooming by, and our Women’s Retreat is right around the corner.  We as a committee have been praying for all the ladies attending, and we have a great weekend planned.  Please remember that check in begins at 4 pm on Friday with devotions beginning at 6:00, followed by dinner at 6:30. (this is different than in the past).  Don’t forget to bring a wrapped gift for Bunco, which will be played Friday evening.  If you only plan to attend Saturday or are commuting, our day will begin at 8:15 with devotions.     If you have any questions please contact a committee member.   


PALM SUNDAY CHOIR: Do you miss singing in choir? The Sunday School children would like to invite your participation in a song they are preparing for our Palm Sunday Service. Talk to Elaine or Amy Vandenberg if you would like to be part of this choir! Practice time depends on availability – some rehearsals would be with the Sunday School before the service.

NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY: Thank you for your completed information forms. We still need many of you to fill out a form and put it in the gold box in the library by March 24. Please send your pictures to:  Questions and/or comments can be directed to Dorothy Greenough or Sherry Vos.


BETHEL MISSIONARIES: Don’t forget to pray for our Bethel missionaries as they are serving far from loved ones and often in challenging circumstances.


PLEASE REMEMBER members of our Bethel family that are unable to worship with us regularly.