Church Bulletin
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Pastor Bryan Dick

Gathering to Worship


* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise “Hallelujah for the Cross”

“Lamb of God”

Confession and Assurance

Scripture: John 18:28-19:16; Matthew 27:24-25

Prayer of Confession: The Sounds of Lent 

Song of Response: “Ah Holy Jesus” PH 386

Offering Our Prayer and Gifts

The Luke Society: Dan Breen

Congregational Prayer

Offering received for Luke Society can be placed in the baskets in the back of church or mailed

The Word of God

* Song of Preparation: “Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me”

* Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-3 (p. 1196)

Message: "Running to Christ, with Christ"


* Song of Response: “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” PH 486


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Our Christ, Our Hope, Our Heart’s Desire” PH 485

* Postlude

Pianist: Sue Meenderinck & Joan Vander Haak

Praise team: Elaine Vos, Laura Te Velde

Readers: Mark & Gus De Jong; Norene Van Andel


• Give thanks that fewer people are affected by Covid-19 and the restrictions have eased up. 

• Pray for Northwest Hispanic Ministries which is a Christian outreach to the Hispanic community, assisted by Joe Strong.

• Pray for: Art and Jackie Hommes; Kitty Van Ry; Nicole Rutgers; David, Elaine, Jacquelyn, Elizabeth and Caleb Vos.

WELCOME to Pastor Bryan and Stephanie Dick! May this weekend be a blessing to you and our Bethel family. 

THIS MORNING Dan Breen, Communications Director of the Luke Society based in Sioux Falls, SD, will give us a presentation on their work.  

NEXT WEEK Pastor Chuck Kleinhesselink, retired pastor of Nooksack Valley Reformed Church, will lead our service. The following week we welcome Mitchell Senti of Envision Mission.  

FAMILY GAME NIGHT is this Saturday, March 26, 6-9 pm. Bring a snack and a favorite table game. If you have a friend or neighbor who enjoys having fun, bring them along! For more information call Marv Apol.  

SECURITY TEAM MEMBERS: We will have a brief meeting after the service next Sunday, March 27 to review procedures for dealing with medical emergencies. 

BACKPACK BUDDIES: Want to help? Bring a can or two of tuna next week and place it in the box marked Backpack Buddies. This is a community program to provide weekend food for eligible elementary students in the Lynden school district to tide them over the weekends. Questions? Ask Joan Vander Haak or Sue Meenderinck. Thanks so much. 


• It’s time to seek one shepherding elder and two service deacons for the next term. Our nominating committee of John Schouten, Norene Van Andel and Jacob Steiger will identify potential candidates to present to council. The congregation is encouraged to submit names to the committee by contacting one of these members or the church office. Please pray for those who will be asked. 

• Continued preparations for the visit with Pastor Bryan and Stephanie. We reviewed the job description and parameters for a compensation package in preparation of a potential call. 

• Alvin reported the final cost of the narthex refresh was $8,900 – $700 under budget! Thanks to everyone who helped with this project.

• Contact the church office or Jacob if you need a list of names from the recently submitted Gift and Resource Questionnaire. 

• Reviewed a list of repairs and upgrades for the parsonage.

• Looking for two people to begin the process of replacing our well-used church van.