Church Bulletin
Sunday, May 1, 2022

Pastor Aaron Walters

Gathering to Worship


* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise “O Worship the King” PH 428: 1,3-5

“Christ Our Hope in Life and Death”

Confession and Assurance

Prayer of Confession 

Assurance of Pardon

Song of Response: “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” HFG 266: 1,3,4

Our Beliefs: Belgic Confession Articles 11 & 12

Offering Our Prayer and Gifts

Congregational Prayer

Offertory – Offering received for Christian Education Fund

The Word of God

* Song of Preparation: “Dwell In Me, O Blessed Spirit” PH 427: 1-2

* Scripture: Mark 4 Parables

Message: Implication and Application


* Song of Response: “Let it Be Said of Us”


* Benediction

* Doxology: “Alleluia, Alleluia, Hearts to Heaven” PH 387: 1,2,4

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

Praise team: Kelly De Jong, Carissa Hiemstra


• Pray for Janet Steiger that she will continue to feel well and have peace with the medical decisions being made.

• Pray for Brian and Bette Vander Haak as they complete the school year and that their goals will be accomplished before summer break. 

• Pray for: Paul, Carissa, Bradley, Ellie, Chance and Shyla Hiemstra; Randy and Joan Knutzen. 

THIS MORNING we once again welcome Pastor Aaron Walters of The Table in Bellingham.  

STARTING TODAY, deacons will resume taking the offering during the service and the offering baskets will be removed from the foyer. If you are unable to attend, you are still welcome to mail your offerings and budget envelopes to the church office. 

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FUND: The pledge packets for the 2022-2023 Bethel Christian Education Fund are in your mailboxes today. If you would like one mailed to you, contact the church office. Please prayerfully considering giving to this fund. Thank you for returning your pledges to the box in the library by May 15. We appreciate fulfillment of current year pledges by June 15, 2022. Thank you! 

GEMS FUNDRAISER TACO NIGHT: Join us this Thursday from 5-7 pm for our Taco Night Fundraiser Dinner, finally returning after two years! Let us handle your supper plans! We are excited to gather and enjoy food and fellowship. We appreciate your support of our GEMS club as we raise funds to sponsor our students at the Esther School in Zambia. 

NEXT SUNDAY Pastor Don Recker, retired pastor from Hope in Christ CRC in Bellingham, will lead our service. 

ACCEPTANCE LETTER: The following was received from Pastor Bryan and Stephanie:

Dear Council/Congregation of Bethel CRC,

It is with great joy that we accept your letter of call. In the past weeks we have felt God’s call to serve Bethel CRC and have experienced great peace in our Sovereign God’s plan. So in seeking his glory and his kingdom and in trusting his provision we look forward to getting to know Bethel and serving Christ in your midst.

In Christ, Pastor Bryan and Stephanie

MOVING PLANS: In anticipation of welcoming the Dick family, we are busy with moving logistics and refreshing the parsonage. To that end, please note that we will have a special offering on May 22 to help pay for these expenses. Currently, the Dicks plan to arrive in Lynden the end of June with installation tentatively scheduled for July 10. If you have questions regarding the transition, please contact a member of the Admin Team. Continue to pray for Pastor Bryan and Stephanie, Carson, Isaac, Lydia and Josiah as they say farewell to the Volga CRC family and prepare to move to Lynden.