Church Bulletin
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Pastor Don Recker

Gathering to Worship


* Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting

* Time of Praise                                                                    “He Is Exalted”

                                              “We Sing the Mighty Power of God” PH 430

* Our Faith: Belgic Confession: Article 13

                                                                             “The Lord’s My Shepherd”


Confession and Assurance

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon

Song of Response:                                                “Jesus Strong and Kind”

Offering Our Prayer and Gifts

Congregational Prayer

Offertory: Offering received for General Fund


The Word of God

* Song of Preparation:       “O Master Let Me Walk with Thee” PH 573

* Scripture: Scriptures: II Samuel 21:1-14, John 19:25-27

Message: Discipleship in Motherhood

Responsive Prayer for Discipleship in Home and Family

* Song of Response:                                       “Tell Your Children” PH 588


* Benediction

* Doxology:          “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow” PH 638

* Postlude

Pianist: Laura Te Velde

Praise team: Elaine Vos


· Pray for Gert Douma in the loss of her daughter Leigh. Pray for Leigh’s husband Steve, daughters and grandchildren who will miss her very much.

· Pray for Synod 2022 that is preparing to meet June 10-16 as they plan to tackle the report on human sexuality.

· Pray for: Todd and Cheri Rutgers; Tim, Tammy, Kyler, Hana and Amelia Holleman; Les and Marcia Mulder; Ken and Jan Herwerden.  

TODAY we welcome Pastor Don Recker. Pastor Recker served CRC congregations in Montana, Alaska, New Jersey, and Washington before retiring. He and his wife, Darlys, live in Ferndale and are members of Hope in Christ, Bellingham.


THANK YOU: As another Sunday School year has ended we extend our heartfelt thanks to Cori Litorja (K-2), Marcia Mulder (3-5), Jennie Meenderinck (6-8) and Brent Van Dalen (9-12) for their commitment to teaching and mentoring our Bethel youth. These teachers were instrumental in filling, not only minds, but hearts of students with truths of God and His Word! An added thanks to Marcia, Jennie, and the K-8 students for their involvement in our recent Good Friday and Easter services. It was a blessing to hear the bells, watch the signing of songs and listen to 6th-8th graders share personal reflections about the work of Christ, His sacrifice, and the veil. How wonderful to note that the smaller classes weren’t  discouraging but rather provided an opportunity to dig deeper! Thanks again, Cori, Marcia, Jennie, and Brent.

THANK YOU to Glenda Elgersma for directing our Sunday School program again this past season.

FROM GEMS: Thank you to our Bethel congregation for supporting our Taco Night Fundraiser! We are grateful for your support of our club, enabling us to sponsor 2 students in Zambia at the Esther School. It was a very enjoyable night and we are so thankful.

~ Elaine, Dee, & Kaysha

THE ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL meeting will be held Thursday, May 19 at 7 pm. We will be voting on the budget, shepherding elders, and service deacon positions. Copies of the budget are in your church mailbox today. A list of nominees and absentee ballots will be available next week, May 15.   

NEXT SUNDAY Saji Oommen, Director of Kidstown International, will lead our service. On May 22 our service will be led by Pastor Gerald Rutgers and Kings Men of Song. 

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FUND: The pledge packets for the 2022-2023 Bethel Christian Education Fund were distributed last week. Please prayerfully considering giving to this fund. Thank you for returning your pledges to the box in the library by May 15. We appreciate fulfillment of current year pledges by June 15, 2022. 


Council and the Admin team met this week with most of their time spent reviewing and approving the 2022-2023 budget. We are so thankful for leaders willing to serve this congregation with their time, wisdom and prayers. We continue to be grateful for the volunteer spirit of our congregation!



· Doug Van Andel, Marlo DeYoung, and Marilyn Haak have taken responsibility for preparing the parsonage. Please ask them how you can help.  

· Laura Te Velde and Rebecca Steiger have volunteered to start a garden for the Dicks. Please contact them if you are willing to help and/or plant a little extra in your garden to share with them.

· A special offering is scheduled for May 22 to help pay for the parsonage refresh and moving expenses. Please prayerfully consider a generous gift for these non-budgeted items.