Church Bulletin
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Pastor Ken Boonstra

Gathering to Worship


Call to Worship: Responsively 

* Song of Response: “O Worship the King” PH 428:1,3,5

* God’s Greeting 

* Time of Praise “Cornerstone”

“Hallelujah for the Cross”

Confession and Assurance

Call to Confession: Psalm 139:1-6  

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon: Psalm 139:13-18  

Song of Response: “Beautiful Savior” PH 461:1,3,4

Offering Our Prayer and Gifts

Congregational Prayer: Brent Van Dalen

Offertory—Offering received for Faith Promise

The Word of God

* Song of Preparation: “In God the Father I Believe” PH 518

Scripture: Luke 4:14-30 (p. 1021)

Message: “Guest Preacher”


* Song of Response: “Have Thine Own Way Lord” PH 287


* Benediction 

* Doxology: “He Is Lord”

* Postlude

Pianist: Elaine Vos

PLEASE pray for Anna Roorda who was still hospitalized as of Friday. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Peter Mans who will be 87 on Wednesday, January 18; Erika Kean who turns 93 on Thursday, January 19 and Jeanne Meenderinck who will be 97 on January 21! 

THIS MORNNG we welcome Pastor Ken Boonstra who will lead us in worship. 

THANK YOU to everyone who worked in so many ways to remodel the SHINE House into the Summit House. What a blessing to see the family of God using their time and talents to further His kingdom! 

NO SUNDAY SCHOOL next week, January 22.